You read the title and thought I was talking smack. But in fact, on last week's special addition of chasejarvisLIVE (during the week-long creativeLIVE broadcast extravaganza of FREE photo education PhotoWeek) we connected LIVE with the creator of THE manifesto for creativity in the digital age Steal Like an Artist. Intrigued? Well you ought to be. Austin Kleon is a brilliant artist (Newspaper Blackout), speaker (giving the keynote this year at SXSW!), a NY... read more ›
4.7K reads
UPDATE: The LIVE broadcast is TODAY September 18th - 11am SEA time (2pm NYC -19:00 London) - mark your schedules and flip your dial to You read the title and thought I was talking smack. But in fact, I plan to connect you LIVE with the creator of THE manifesto for creativity in the digital age Steal Like an Artist. Intrigued? Well you ought to be. Austin Kleon is a brilliant artist (Newspaper Blackout),... read more ›
663 reads