UPDATE: The contest has closed and we have a winner! Steve Groves has been randomly selected - and he scores the 1:1 with yours truly, $500 from Adorama and the entire PhotoWeek 2014 from CreativeLive. Stevo: send an email to production@chasejarvis.com to claim your prize and get that consult scheduled. Everyone else: thank you so much for entering! __ I can point to a handful of in-person meetings that changed the trajectory of my career... read more ›
826 reads
REMINDER THIS IS TODAY! Don't miss out. Grab a coffee, JOIN IN HERE on Google+ or HERE on YouTube, and ask some questions! You can also catch an embed down below. I'm all ears and a little bit of mouth... See you in a jiff... BONUS ANNOUNCEMENT: My friends over at Adorama have made several special deals available as part of my Hangout today. Click on this link to head over to the special Adorama... read more ›
662 reads