This is a public service announcement that I think is valuable... I'm banking you know I'm co-founder over at creativeLIVE - where we've delivered more than 15 million viewer hours of creative education worldwide. (If you're new, here's stories about it in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, The Chicago Tribune, TechCrunch, AllThingsD, etc and stay tuned for my MSNBC segment coming in 2 weeks...) This is a short-notice opportunity to take advantage... read more ›
663 reads
Update: It's official now, I'm dropping in as a guest on JoeyL's show TODAY at 10:45 Seattle Time (1:45 NYC; 18:45 London). Join us - ask questions. I just was sent over the topics he's going to grill me on and I haven't given an interview this in-depth about commercial photography in more than a year. Tune in HERE to watch... -- Occasionally I hand pick certain people that I'd like to see... read more ›
1.3K reads