I recently gave an interview and the questioner, like many others before him, asked about my busy lifestyle. "Absolutely," I said, "crazy busy all the time. Fast paced. Happy. BUT crazy busy." I'm sure you know what I mean. We're all doing everything so quickly. Saving time here, efficiency there, etc. Our lives are faster than every before. After the interview, I wondered to myself how many times I've replied with that answer when asked.... read more ›
418 reads
Chances are, if you're reading this, you're already attuned to the concept of Net Neutrality and why it's a good thing. If you're not dialed into it and why it's essential for the future, or if you want to see it explained in the most BS-free way possible, check out this four minute clip. It's all clear for the moment, but we might have to stand up and fight for it sooner than later. [youtube... read more ›
121 reads
Check out this trailer! The film was made some time ago (2000 by my quick check), but it's being released here in a limited fashion quite soon. I'm guessing it's going to make some waves if people can get out of their chairs to go see it. I'm loving how it's stylized. ...can't wait to try to wrap my mind around what looks to be a colorful, antention deficit, Thai, spaghetti-western, with 50's pastiche and... read more ›
179 reads
The nicest thing about the web these days, beyond email spam, file sharing, lovelygirl15, porn, and access to the latest NASDAQ numbers, is obviously the huge transfer of relevant information. I've written a fair bit on the somewhat-controversial (that's another issue...) term coined by Tim O'Reilly, Web 2.0, and what it means to the photography industry. I was happy to have been quoted or tracked back in some great blogs, by some talented journalists: Jay... read more ›
154 reads
As as investment, I own a small commercial building not far from our studio in Seattle's historic Greenlake neighborhood. It's a quaint brick building from the 1920's with tons of character and charm and I've intentionally filled it with tenants with creative businesses: architects, 3-D designers, filmmakers, etc. You get the picture.It got vandalized today. Tagged. Basically spray paint for the sake of spray paint on bricks and metalwork. I admit, when my friend Marc... read more ›
1.4K reads
An early Master of Photoraphy, Cartier-Bresson, shares some insightful thoughts with Charlie Rose in this interview below. I confess to be a fan of Cartier-Bresson and not of Charlie Rose (nothing personal Chuck, just a style thing). Regardless, here 'tis: Spotted this on originally on Alec's blog a short spell ago.
635 reads
If you're not familiar with the work of photographer and filmmaker Gregory Colbert, now's your chance. Without a doubt Colbert gives us some of the finest images ever recorded highlighting the interaction between animals, humankind, and the natural world. In his most recent exhibition entitled Ashes and Snow, Colbert shows us what it's like to be committed to a singular artistic vision. The 18 minute video below from a 2006 TEDTalk illustrates this vision through... read more ›
948 reads
This circulated online ages ago, but I was recently sharing it with a friend and it made me realize that I should share it here... The first 2 minutes are moderately slow and a bit bizarre for a few seconds here and there, but hang on for the big stunts in minutes 2-8. It's the real deal. If you're needing incentive to watch this and you don't know what parkour is, check out the wiki... read more ›
300 reads