An invention doesn't truly achieve obsolescence until it gets turned into a night light. Or a meat grinder. Such it is for these retro film cameras, repurposed for some good fun, inspiration, and to invoke a sense of nostalgia for the days of dark rooms. Somewhere a hipster just gasped "the horror" and a grandfather went looking for his Dualflex III. Before you freak (or hate on the hacking of... read more ›
2.4K reads
One of the most common questions we hear from all of you is, "What is your everyday kit?" Our digital cinema guru, Erik, wanted to take a minute to chat gear with you and answer that question from his perspective. Please give him another warm welcome… This post is another installment of a series that our staff is doing about the gear that we consider essential for our work…the stuff we don’t leave home without.... read more ›
13.3K reads
Every so often, I discover or am reminded of tectonic shifts in photography that seem to be little-known by the exploding world of photographers. No harm, no foul; but in those cases, I feel feel a social + moral desire (obligation?) to occasionally point to these shifts. One such case is New York's Photo... read more ›
2.5K reads
Hey photo friends. Erik here with a quick recommendation for an inexpensive photo editing solution. I’ve been playing around with the CameraBag 2desktop software for the last couple months and I’m blown away at the capabilities packed into this affordable editing tool. If you’re new to photo editing and wanna save a few bucks, or you’re like me and find inspiration in trying out new photo apps, I highly recommend you download this software. [20 sample... read more ›
2.6K reads
Might have caught this earlier, but here's a fascinating look at iconic portraits that were originally shot in black and white that have since been colorized in Photoshop. Normally, I don't fall for this stuff, but this is incredibly elegant I'd say. Seeing Abraham Lincoln in color just seems to make him more a little more "real". Same goes for the others above. These guys/gals look like a bunch... read more ›
5.4K reads
Hey all, Erik here with a quick guest post about a subject that’s raised a lively debate in our studio. Everyone on our crew has long been shooting with Polaroids, rangefinders, micro 4/3 cameras adapted to accept vintage lenses...even processing digital images to look like they came out of an old dusty camera. Surveying the landscape, it’s clear this tide has been rising for a while now and we’re not the only ones attached to... read more ›
859 reads