Problem: the freelance life can be amazing, but there are lots of overlooked pitfalls when you're working for yourself. In particular I'm interested in one problem that none of my freelance friends--nor anyone on the internet quite frankly-- is talking about...and that's movement and physical well being. In a recent #cjRAW, I addressed this head on and we talked about 3 ways to move your body throughout the day (it focused on standup desks, walking... read more ›
9.2K reads
At 26 years old, Chris Burkard is living the dream of traveling around the world to shoot surfers in exotic places. He's been recognized for his work with some prestigious awards including a first place spot in the Red Bull Illume competition. His images are a complementary mix of being right in the action and being removed from it. At times the subject is a tiny speck in the grander landscape. Other times the camera... read more ›
2.7K reads