I’ve talked before about that 3AM voice – the one that whispers in your ear that you’re not good enough or that maybe you’ll fail and so therefore it’s probably better if you just quit now. That voice is what I call the gremlins. The gremlins are not your friend, and you’ve got to learn how to ignore them. But here’s the thing – there’s another voice that often sounds very similar to the gremlin voice, except that it’s RIGHT. It’s the voice of your instincts, and its absolutely critical that you trust and listen to this voice.
The key here is to learn how to tell the two apart, because like I said they can sound very similar until you learn how to train your inner ear to know the difference between the two – and in this episode I give you the details on how to do exactly that.
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Today’s episode is part of a new segment I’m calling: Micro Shows. In addition to the bad-ass guest interviews, these are short 5-10 minute segments sharing inspirational tidbits, hot news, discussion on specific topics, and more. If you have ideas on what you’d like to hear on the show let me know in the comments below or on any of my social channels (facebook, twitter, instagram, snapchat): @chasejarvis. I’m listening!

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