In the past several days, I’ve received a ton of correspondence asking if I’d re-post my chasejarvisLIVE Keynote address from the PDN Photo Plus Expo in NYC last week. You asked for it, you got it.
At about the 25-or-so minute mark, I wrap up my monologue and invite a handful of guests on stage, all of whom I consider my friends who are living my message. I think you’ll be quite engaged. By my count it’s the first time all these folks have been together under one roof.
_Zack Arias (
_Vincent Laforet (
_Jasmine Star (
_Rob Haggart (
_Joey Lawrence (
An impressive cast by any measure. Please give it a watch and share your thoughts. The topic is The New Creativity and the Social Art of Photography. In short, it’s about the new, crazy world of creating and sharing and how it has redefined an entire era.
[Update: there’s about 30 seconds of blackness where you still get perfect audio, but no visual. Hopefully you won’t mind – it’s just 30 seconds where you’re freed from looking at my dumb mug…]
I seriously doubt that Rob Haggart is living your message Chase. That one is a bit too big to swallow.
Nice find, Bruce. I’m so glad more and more people are posting valuable statements.
One thing I recalled. There’s that little site called Fstoppers.. They guys are from North Carloina and were inspired by CJ bs.. They post some BTS vidoes everyday, some original, some third party. I ask why wasn’t that mentioned ever on this blog and why the guys were not in the panel?
They literally live the CJ message. I don’t know how successful they are fincially, but it’s way more interesting and valuable to watch some videos on their site instead of popping in here. They update it daily, so that’s the real competition for Mr. Jarvis. More over he has no interest in promoting that untill they make a serious business out of that.
Now, delete that Mr. Chase..
oh, and if my post won’t get deleted, I bet he will make a new post, so that this one wouldn’t have much exposure. Save it people, till it’s here. We will repost it somewhere else if that gets trashed.
Must be an American thing but what a blowhard, this guy loves himself.
The stories about all the rejection and not knowing how to turn a camera on are very cliched.
Credit where credit is due though, they have all figured out how to work the social media machine, none of their work stands out as exceptional though, maybe Vincent. And it must have been so hard being Jasmine, I mean hot chicks never get the breaks.
Again, a valid point, Gerry. it is becoming more and more aparent that it’s all a scheme.
The overpriced and poorly rated Best Cam app, the book, Nikon promo, CJ Live courses. it’s all a disguise for a serious business they’re making.
The black box is there and it has never been made transparent. CJ spews his “mentor tips” from his business blackbox. he makes it look like it’s about art and photography, and most of all, the people and saving the world.
My comments are always deleted as I try to break the message, which only confirms it.
Well said, Rob! Whooah, what a backlash! I hope we are onto something with it. CJ needs to be brought down to earth and his schemes need to be exposed.
His latest activity and this keynote is way overboard. The D7000 is a poor camera in comparison to the Canon 7D, Aperture 3 is a joke, Best Cam app is a terrible piece of overpriced soft and this blog has become a regular CJ outlet. Panamerai? How even heard about these watches..
This is all complete crap. They say those who can’t, teach. And this roundtable is absolute proof of that. These people get paid to spout their stories of chasing the brass ring. And yet, none of them own it. They are Masters Of The Mediocre. Leaders Of The Bland. Any success they have gained has been through mastery of new social media. Not talent. The only message I can see from this self help group of dropouts is the following – if you want to make it big, know your marketing and get corporate sponsorships. Artists with true talent never have a need to talk about it or lead workshops. Their work does it for them.
well said, dude! i see you comment wanishing in a while..
yet, notice how they don’t talk about the business side.. no company will pick your mediocre pictures because you put it on flickr or you need business skills which none of the panelist talk about.
true artists have nothing to fear.
Chase and company are all just a bunch of hucksters. Self-promoters in the truest sense. It’s ironic that his name is Chase. Because that’s all he’s doing.
Dude, finally someone here besides me is making a valid comment. Count down till we get “Chased”.. we are the Jarvises
i follow cj since 2007 or sth and it’s really sad watching him lying more and more. once he said he had never deleted a comment. well, he deleted several of mine, which btw contained no profanity and were related to the subject matter.
I wonder how many other voices has been muted this way..
Chase, if you have enough courage, you should address our comments. I have nothing against your business as long as you are honest about it. so, please don’t preach this kind of nonsense as you are doing on the nyc keynote. you are a businessman, you should talk about the business side only. photography has merely nothing to what you are doing. you could apply your “teachings” to music making, text writing and basically everything digital, yet it wouldn’t help people make any money. you need to be a businessman in the first place and that’s what you’re keeping in the blackbox. you are a liar and hence my comments.
Thanks for deleting my comments, Chase. Keeping it real fake, huh?
By the way, those who deserve applause, don’t have to ask for it.
Wouldn’t you feel better if you knew you are actually worth as much as you think you are? You’ve got the potential, but not being honest to your audience is not a moral thing to do.