In the past several days, I’ve received a ton of correspondence asking if I’d re-post my chasejarvisLIVE Keynote address from the PDN Photo Plus Expo in NYC last week. You asked for it, you got it.
At about the 25-or-so minute mark, I wrap up my monologue and invite a handful of guests on stage, all of whom I consider my friends who are living my message. I think you’ll be quite engaged. By my count it’s the first time all these folks have been together under one roof.
_Zack Arias (
_Vincent Laforet (
_Jasmine Star (
_Rob Haggart (
_Joey Lawrence (
An impressive cast by any measure. Please give it a watch and share your thoughts. The topic is The New Creativity and the Social Art of Photography. In short, it’s about the new, crazy world of creating and sharing and how it has redefined an entire era.
[Update: there’s about 30 seconds of blackness where you still get perfect audio, but no visual. Hopefully you won’t mind – it’s just 30 seconds where you’re freed from looking at my dumb mug…]
hey there!
I saw scott using a small one-hand steadicam (also in other videos) – is that the steadicam merlin? – couldn’t find it in the “gear i use”-section!
I too thought that your talk was inspirational. I think that often the people who become known as visionaries, simply have taken a moment to step back and notice how even today’s world is operating and changing around them… the same world available for anyone else to observe if they make the effort.
Thought this link was relevant to the discussion…
Chase is the man.
My dream man to be exact. Soccer player turned groundbreaking photog? Sold.
Hi Chase.
The very critical nay sayers feel threatened (?who is this rich jarvis?). I am always amazed how critical and yucky people can be on the internet. They type things that are very rude in any person-to-person interaction. Maybe with the democratization of the internet and social media, we can self police the rude critics.
I am sorry you get the same trolls that do not appreciate your openness. I have watched many of your videos done when you were dead dog tired, and really like seeing all the hard work that goes into what you do. I do not aspire to be a professional photographer, but do want to improve my skills all the time as a hobbyist, and really like your sharing and education. As you said, it is free and you give it away.
Cal Geyman