In case you missed the live episode last week – this chasejarvisLIVE with Robert Greene was one of the most powerful episodes to date. The feedback on the internet has been a testament to the impact of the show and Robert’s ability to help people. #cjLIVE trended on twitter! Thanks to all who continue to tune in to my experiment in live broadcasting. You can check out more episodes of chasejarvisLIVE over on my live page here. Huge thanks to HP, Manfrotto, Broncolor and liveBooks for helping me make the world a more creative place. Couldn’t do it with out these great friends.
My time with Robert was priceless. The principles we discuss in this episode of chasejarvisLIVE are gold for any creative working on improving their craft – OR just trying to discover their path as a creative – period. I learned a ton and I’m betting you will too.
Tune in to hear —
_Robert’s advice if you’re feeling “lost” as a creative. How to discover your passion and pursue it
_What Albert Einstein, Leonardo Da Vinci, Goethe, Napoleon and other “Masters” have in common with each other and with you
_How each of us have a unique composition that is our greatest asset
_Why choosing a career path that leverages your individuality and sparks curiosity is essential
_How an apprenticeship is a necessary step toward achieving mastery and fulfillment
You’ve heard that little voice in the back of your head that screams, “I have something to say” Guess what. It’s the same voice that Einstein, DaVinci, Napoleon and Goethe heard. It’s important. It’s what makes you a creative. Robert Greene, has influenced millions of people with his work. With four bestsellers already to his name, including The 48 Laws of Power, The Art of Seduction – he is an inspiration and an intellectual powerhouse brought his new book “Mastery” to life on the #cjLIVE stage last week.
Here’s an excerpt from his new book:
Many of the greatest Masters in history have confessed to experiencing some kind of force or voice or sense of destiny that has guided them forward. For Napoleon Bonaparte it was his “star” that he always felt in ascendance when he made the right move. For Socrates, it was his daemon, a voice that he heard, perhaps from the gods, which inevitably spoke to him in the negative–telling him what to avoid. For Goethe, he also called it a daemon–a kind of spirit that dwelled within him and compelled him to fulfill his destiny. In more modern times, Albert Einstein talked of a kind of inner voice that shaped the direction of his speculations. All of these are variations on what Leonardo da Vinci experienced with his own sense of fate.
Appreciating the reminders from Robert Greene. Thank you, Chase.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful info. Keep up the good work 🙂
Really wish you guys put up an MP3 link.. takes forever for me to convert it.
Same here, better still, have it on iTunes, faster to download.
It’s on iTunes:
This is amazing, just going trough process in my 40’s, always loved photography (that is how I found Chase), I thought I am going to be the Photographer, but I work in a factory, assembling car seats and it destroys me mentally and physically. I was looking for way out. Weddings, babies not my stuff at all. Street photography, portrait yeah cool. Visual person but I also like get my hands dirty, like I did like make analogue photography, b&w darkroom. As kid I liked clockworks, creating spaceships out of plastic and wire, small mechanisms, robots. I forgot about it. Two months ago I spent whole weekend subconsciously sifting trough creative web pages looking for what I could do in my life. Late in the night that though just shook my whole system and it was like I have found that missing puzzle. It’s jewellery. I paid straight away for two masterclasses in jewellery making, to taste the water if I really like it. I loved it 1000% I loved workshop, smells, tools, pain of newly used muscles, love intimidating challenge of soldering… and I went there after nightshift in factory, having just 3-4 hours sleep and stayed there from 9am-7pm Saturday and went there next day Sunday and stayed from 9am-8pm. Best working weekend I’ve ever had.
My mentor 30years in making jewellery, love to listen to her, love her swearing, roughness, her skills. And just that weekend awaked child in me again. Listening to Robert was like :” oh my God I know that, it just happened to me, he just put that in to words”. I have manual skills, I know photography, I learned in my factory how to not to organise manufacturing processes. All that and many more puzzles I have gathered in my life is coming together. For last few weeks I have seen jewellery in every object and shape whatever I looked at. It is gone now ( not all) but now I know what It was, why I was so elated, why suddenly big calm came to me, why I stopped to care about bad things happening in factory, why I am not stressed anymore coming back from work, why I do not shout at my kids anymore. ‘Cos now I know what to do, where I was going all the time, that I have eventually opened right door, and there is whole new world awaiting me. I just started to make transition and next year this time I will be working in my small workshop at home, creating beautiful treasures for people to wear them, I will not have job(work) I will have a creative life.
How come you did NOT leave the recording available to watch again after the live show on Ustream like you have done with every other show.
Makes no sense to me why you do this besides for clicks on your blog which is lame.
B.Moore – thanks for tuning in. As Chase says, we deeply appreciate the fans who want this content! In fact, we had a glitch with Ustream this past week and for some reason the recording was not captured – even after a repeated attempt. The re-watch is usually cut, edited and put on YouTube (and the blog – not for clicks, since you might have noticed there is no banner advertising…so not much motivation there). Thanks again for tuning in!
Nice response, keep up the good work!