Dasein: An invitation to hang could not be going better. Thanks to all of your participation, I get to spin through thousands of great images ever day. I’m having a blast, and I thought you might like to see what’s got me fired up right now. My photo of the day for today is this priceless had-to-be-there moment from kinugrove.
Other photos that have me jazzed? See what we’ve got hanging in the gallery at the Ace Hotel today after the jump…
Pat yourselves on the back, your photos look great. To see the rest of the images being submitted from all over the world, don’t forget to visit the Dasein website.
2nd row, 3rd one is mine. Woooow
Bottom row third from the right is me!! Called shattered memories. Thanks Chase!
Hey man! Wish I could visit the gallery in person as it is looking sweet but live too far away and I am far too poor. Love the idea behind this project, I have been a big advocate for the importance of the snapshot for a long time and in fact about 50% of all my images are snapshots. Keep up the good work man, always awesome to see what ideas you conjure up. Great to see a few of my images making the cut too.
I saw mine hanging in the last video! Keep up the great work!!!