Client: “How come all the photos I took have the heads cut off?”
You: “Hmm, Did you look though the view finder when you took them?”
Client: “I don’t know what that is. Can’t you just move the picture up so I can see their heads? I mean they’re digital pictures?”
Clients come in all shapes, sizes and levels of experience in every line of work. Embedded this here due to its relevance. If you have clients at all–or might be one yourself–check out Clients From Hell for an occasional laugh. This one sent to me but a bunch of peeps (including Taylor at Hipsters With Kids). Have other laughs? Share them below or at CFH. Have a great weekend. Take lots of pictures.
Sometimes it happens. 🙂
You have most probably seen this but is a great site of funny photography related things.
OT Hopefully you don’t mind, I’ve given you a quick mention on my site (the top post), because you and your blog inspired me/mine in some ways.
Now this topic i like… there are some clients that i tell ya… you love to hate them hehe 😛
HA! Reminds me of “Can’t you Photoshop these people into our family picture from this other picture we already have?” or (when I worked in the architecture industry) “Doesn’t AutoCAD just do it for you?” Funny people!
I just reread my little post here and it sounds whiny. Im not whining. I just made a really unprofessional decision and was rewarded in kind 🙂
Do you not have Exif data showing it was your images?
I think cameras imbed their serial number into the image which would be great evidence for a court.
Were you worried about taking legal action in case you lost your biggest client?
I should submit some of the stupid things I did trying to run a business to this site. Instead Ill do it here where it not anonymous ..why???
Like getting convinced/bullied ( by a rich business woman, it was late, she was my biggest client , i was tired and alone with her in her massive fancy house ) into giving her raw files for one night to look through because she was “too busy” to wait for proofs and then getting a call from her printer the next day, they were getting put on a billboard. Ouch. Then I had to drive past a shop front with my images bastardized for the next year…it was harsh…and very stupid of me. I was pretty mad at her. She actually flat out lied to my face and said she wouldnt show anyone and then she sent the images to the printer hours later… hahaha nice!! Hard lesson to learn.