Just stumbled on this image of yours truly working for an advertising photo down at Smith Rocks, OR a few years back. I don’t do a ton of climbing photography – it’s pretty damn specialized – but when I get to, it reminds me a whole lot of why i like to climb. It really focuses your attention on the task at hand. While the handful of support crew who help make these shoots possible are a real blessing, my biggest appreciation during work like this goes to the athletes. Every safety measure is taken, but they certainly put themselves at risk to get the shot – often needing to make the same move a half dozen times to get it just right. #respect.
My biggest challenge in this case is multi-tasking while in position. I’ve gotta be communicating with the athlete, communicating with the crew, etc, and being my own assistant at the same time as focusing on the shot.
Happy friday – and happy to answer any questions below.
I am speechless at the beauty and your effort!!!!
How has your focus on photography changed since licensing your first shot to REI? Are you still shooting campaigns or focusing mainly on your business ventures? (CL/Mkt/etc.) If you are still working on campaigns, where can we see your newest work?
High effort cause to the best result. It’s worthy to do something that we interested.
that seems like it could be very confusing and hard to keep track of everything going on but if the shots come out then its always worth it.
plenty of details to keep track of beyond your f stop and shutter speed. …. like staying alive!