If you missed the Jeremy Cowart episode of chasejarvisLIVE last week–bummer cause it was a really good one. LOTs of good info about the struggles involved in turning pro. Gear talk, starting your business, agents, stories of the lean times, amazing gigs and more. And here’s some good news: the above YouTube vid is a rewatch of that broadcast.
Jeremy is a great photographer and a uber-talented, hardworking and humble guy. And he’s very articulate. Watching/listening him share his experiences, wisdom, vision, etc is a great way to spend your time. Enjoy
I think that I use that awesome post to my homework 🙂
Oh man it was going good untill he brought up Bono and what a great guy he is and how he is using his music to highlite other stuff
Bono is an ass he moved most of the bussiness out of Ireland to avoid paying tax this guy is purely driven by his own greed for money and an over inflated ego ,u take u money and stuff out of Ireland at a time when the country is going down the tubes.
What an example u are to the young people of Ireland another ordinary guy who forgot his roots and where he came from so bono stop preaching to the world u greedy ass hole . Or maybe if u can cancell so much of the worlds debt what can u do for u own country !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rant over