We often chase our dreams at the expense of our bodies. In the dogged pursuit of what we call success, we often don’t think about our bodies until they start to hurt. Dr. Kelly Starrett is redefining the way we think about success to include our basic physical health. His approach to movement, mechanics, and mobility isn’t just for athletes– it’s a path toward health and wholeness for virtually anyone.
Kelly works with professional athletes, Olympic teams, universities, and elite military. He is the New York Times bestselling author of Becoming a Supple Leopard and Ready to Run. He is a featured speaker at strength and conditioning conferences worldwide, and the co-founder of San Francisco CrossFit and MobilityWOD.com.
In this episode, Kelly walks us through rediscovering our physical literacy such as:
- understanding and resolving chronic pain and stress
- standing and integrating daily movement
- sleep routines
- building consistency through small changes
If you have joint pain, back pain, ANY KIND OF PAIN ASSOCIATED WITH MOBILITY this episode is for you.
Don’t be heroic. Be consistent.
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Kelly’s episode was featured in the 30 Days of Genius series of Chase Jarvis Live on CreativeLive. If you like this, join 50,000+ people who are receiving one of these videos everyday.
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Some Questions I Ask:
- How do you apply hustle to any discipline? [7:42]
- Did you teach yourself your work ethic or were you born with it? [9:10]
- What are some things creators have a disproportionate opportunity over most? [17:25]
- What wins in social media? [21:21]
- What do I tell my wife if I want to do more non paid work to increase my paid work? [31:52] (Audience question)
- What are you working on after #AskGaryVee book? [38:33]
- How do you get around endlessly marketing your products instead of making new ones? [39:35]
- What apps are around the corner? [40:27]
- What’s your morning routine? [41:34]
- How important is taking care of yourself? [41:50]
- What’s something that people would be surprised by if they heard? [42:44]
In This Episode, You Will Learn:
- The fundamental questions that we should be asking ourselves before relying on hip tricks to quick health. [2:40]
- Taking cues about your body and common injuries from outside of your industry. [3:55]
- How we use sport as a concept for finding and applying basic principles to everyone. [6:28]
- Posture is just a prissy word for position. [7:42]
- Why we should stop defining function based on whether or not you have pain. [8:55]
- What your lizard brain thinks and does when you sit with bad posture. [11:20]
- Why you need physical literacy to be pain free in your life. [17:20]
- Physicality supports art and art supports physicality. [19:03]
- How do we formalize the instruction around movement, so we can teach our kids to stay healthy. [20:53]
- Human beings are learning animals. There’s never a time you can’t learn something. [22:15]
- How to eat like a ninja. [23:48]
- What Kelly does to take care of his body on travel days. [24:20]
- Why movement is what makes us human and how movement and muscle contraction keeps us in check. [24:44]
- One of the biggest problems today is that we aren’t getting enough non exercise activity. [26:00]
- How to PR in your next 33 marathons, while never leaving your standing desk. [26:30]
- Why bars have pub rails. [28:40]
- How to land on your feet, literally. [30:23]
- Australia, the US, and the WHO thinks being sedentary is more dangerous than being attacked by bears. [34:00]
- How a company made an extra $80 million in one year by having their sales team stand instead of sit. [35:12]
- The number one reason we end up in nursing homes and how it relates to your hips. [38:57]
- What sitting is doing to our kids. [40:58]
- If you have an option to sit or stand, stand.[43:07]
- Why I thought it was a badge of honor to only sleep 4-5 hours per night. [45:48]
- How to approach your physical practice holistically, as an adaptation cycle rather than a recovery cycle. [47:28]
- The cues around sleeping to put you to sleep. [48:22]
- How to use rolling around on a ball, massage, or other soft tissue work to put you to sleep. [52:30]
- Why you should take your own pillowcase when you travel. [54:20]
- How I’ve cut drinking to dramatically improve my sleep and make me smarter. [54:50]
- How Laird Hamilton is surfing his best at 50 because the practices that he’s set up and the alcohol he’s given up. [57:18]
- How to figure out if your tissues are in good shape [1:00:52]
- How the fastest female bicyclist in the world uses a bite guard to ride faster, for longer. [1:05:15]
- How to get really strong. [1:09:50]
- One simple tip you can do to absorb and use the water you drink, instead of just peeing it out. [1:11:03]
- Why my dad can beat up your dad [1:16:07]
- How 10 minutes of the Wim Hoff method of breathing has absolutely changed my life. [1:18:28]
- Why Kelly and his wife have prioritized cultivating strong friendships. [1:20:40]
- The benefits of having a “feelings meeting” and how it’ll keep your actions in line with your intentions. [1:21:16]
- It’s better to be consistent than heroic. [1:25:32]
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