“Sometimes in our industry, our professionalism, we get [put into] silos…it should be all of our goals to break out of those silos. The more you work, the more people want to put you in a silo so they can define who you are by their terms. Our job is to never let anyone define who we are…”
John Jay–W+K’s Global Executive Creative Director–on creativity and breaking out of silos. There’s a lot to learn from these 2 minutes.
The above video, plus stills for a Fast Company assignment shot by Matthew Furman. Check him out here.]
Really liking that music.
Reminds me of the Shawshank Redemption 🙂
Just got my mind blow all over the goddamn room!! This was great =]
So true – good post as always
I’m sharing this with my friends at school. We are in the College of Design at NC State University studying everything from Graphic Design to Architecture to Industrial Design (my major). This video is an excellent message to everyone in a creative profession. Thanks for the excellent content.
Great video. is very deep and intense.