Prepare yourselves. The age of Reignwolf is upon us. After personally witnessing multiple insane performances by Jordan Cook, aka Reignwolf, that's the feeling I get. He's upon us - and brings a no-holds-barred guitar, soaks it in an electrocuting sweaty stage presence and then punches it home with the grittiest devil-may-actually-care voice and lyrics. Sometimes he plays with a band - other times, like in this clip, he's a one-man storm that showcases... read more ›
499 reads
In a jet-lagged haze working abroad last week one of those reminder alarms hit my computer desktop while I was buried in some email that said, "Twit Photo 1pm". After a moment of confusion, I realized it was a leftover reminder from a year ago when I was interviewed by Leo Laporte and Catherine Hall as a part of their popular web photography show, Twit Photo. I meant to share it way back... read more ›
775 reads
Disney movies are an integrated part of childhood for most Westernized culture, to the point where if someone is presented with a picture of any of the "princesses" they can immediately identify them. These princesses are a clearly engrained part of our youth culture, visions of feminine charm and reworked classic fairy tales. But what happens when instead of showing these fictional women as beautiful shining figures, you surround them with filth and death? Click... read more ›
6.1K reads
Jerard here from Chase's crew. One of the things I've noticed working on the CJ Team over the years is the serious lengths Chase will go to for a specific perspective. Almost nothing is off-limits if it enables him to be in position to get the shot. You've heard it before, "get on the ground," or "get above the crowd." Essentially, look for the angle that others don't. But sometimes it might take more than... read more ›
1K reads
After some initial cheering and howling, no one said a word for the longest time. Silence and awe. Where there had been lively conversation just moments before - there was now only the sound of cameras clicking away and quiet sounds of appreciation. No one, including Mike Horn and the crew of the exploration vessel Pangaea, which has sailed close to 200,000 nautical miles in the last 4 years, had ever seen an... read more ›
827 reads
So you’re going on the road to shoot photos/videos for fun or for a client? Kate here again, Executive Producer over here at Team Chase. I’ve been thinking a lot about shooting (for work or play) on the road. Whether you are traveling 100 miles or 10,000 miles, whether on a budget or with a budget, here are some tips I’ve learned over the past 10 years producing... read more ›
984 reads
Sometimes shooting from the air is essential. While there are increasingly more options besides a helicopter (we've shot more with R/C helis in recent years - click here and click here to see some of the highlights of these fun toys) sometimes there is simply no substitute for a good old-fashioned chopper. For example, the shoot we're currently working here in Cape Town with Mike Horn and crew demanded that we take to the air... read more ›
9.7K reads
This video which seems to have been released by Houston Mayor Annise Parker as a part of the...ahem... Run, Hide, Fight series is nuts. I understand the need for awareness and diligence toward creeps (not just in the USA and not just terrorists) but this ummm "awareness" is over the top - particularly with regard to photographers. After watching the video and others in the series, there are basically two groups that appear... read more ›
1.4K reads
Here's a bit of Sunday morning content to kick off your day, maybe with a cup of coffee or the newspaper. The recent chasejarvisLIVE I did with Robert Scoble as my guest. Photo gear, gadgets, computers, apps, software – it's all featured in this episode. We caught ourselves another big kahuna guest for chasejarvisLIVE. The web’s most influential gear + tech geek–bar none. He’s a gadget lover, an technology savant, a Silicon Valley insider, and–in... read more ›
503 reads
We're down in Cape Town, South Africa on a photo shoot with my great friend, world renowned explorer Mike Horn on the second installment of our four-part global expedition in collaboration with Polyform. You might recall we were down in Brazil with Mike not too long ago. It took our crew almost two full days to fly from Seattle to Cape Town, South Africa. This is my first trip to Cape Town and let me... read more ›
581 reads