Animated gifs have become an internet favorite. And for good reason; a little bit of movement can go a long way in making an image come alive. But let's take a geek peek at the history and evolution of these suckers. Me thinks you'll likey. In the early days, photogs made use of the stereoview. A stereoview is two photographs of the same scene taken from two slightly different perspectives, mounted side by side on... read more ›
2.6K reads
For those that missed it, we were able to pull together a stripped down re-watch of the recent chasejarvis LIVE with #1 NYTimes best selling author Tim Ferriss. IMHO, this one's not to miss. Some topics covered: 1. How to break through artistic, creative, & business fears. 2. The 80/20 rule. 3. Who's your network? You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with... 4. Be different, not... read more ›
2.8K reads
"Inspiration and creativity, they ride right next to one another...Not everyday are you going to wake up, the clouds are gonna part and the rays are gonna come down...sometimes you gotta just get in there and force yourself to work and maybe something good will come out of it." -Jack White on creativity. From a great documentary called Under Great White Northern Lights. My take? You must take a picture every day. Maybe something good... read more ›
2.9K reads
Happy Friday. Over at Vogue magazine, it seems the retouching crew was a little remiss with Mario Testino's shot of Kate Moss and her daughter Lila --seems off a few of her daughters fingers. Or worse, that her daughters fingers actually fused into her mom's back. So, we all know Photoshop happens. They're in there taking out zits and making people skinnier than they really are, and taking out wrinkles and on and on.... read more ›
1.3K reads
An established photographer has his or her own style. It's no surprise that this is what makes each artist and their work unique. To underscore this point one only need to dig through image archives once in a while to see how different photographers have interpreted the same subject. The findings are powerful. Photographs of people are best for this exercise, and perhaps no subject is more alluring than Andy Warhol, who--perfect for our analysis--... read more ›
3.9K reads
Hey Friends, quick note to introduce a new addition to the blog, photographer, curator and uber-talented writer, Rachel Hulin. Rachel brings years of experience shooting and writing, as well as photo-editing for Rolling Stone, RADAR and others, not to mention a stint at at the International Center of Photography. In short, she knows her stuff--bigtime--and will be helping us deliver increasingly tasty goods here on the blog. Please give her a warm welcome into the... read more ›
5.1K reads
In keeping with this spirit to look beyond just the photography industry for insight and inspiration, please join me this Tuesday, August 16 at 11:00am Seattle time, as welcome #1 New York Times best-selling author Tim Ferriss (@tferriss) for another episode of chasejarvis LIVE. Tim was Fast Company’s “Most Innovative Business People of 2007” and is on Forbes Magazine’s “Names You Need to Know in 2011" list. His first book, The 4-Hour Workweek, was an... read more ›
1.4K reads
If you're up for shooting something this weekend, I've got an assignment for you. Read on. Backstory: Between 1989 and 1997 photographer Andrew Bush made hundreds of pictures of people driving. They became a book. That book blows me away - I've probably given 10 or more copies as gifts (even blogged it a while ago). But that's not my point... The images are concurrently insightful, evocative, even hilarious on occasion...overall incredibly amusing to peruse,... read more ›
858 reads
"Sometimes in our industry, our professionalism, we get [put into] should be all of our goals to break out of those silos. The more you work, the more people want to put you in a silo so they can define who you are by their terms. Our job is to never let anyone define who we are..." John Jay--W+K's Global Executive Creative Director--on creativity and breaking out of silos. There's a lot... read more ›
1K reads
To borrow a line from The Clash, "London's burning". And the photographs of the mayhem are stunning. The above shot here is by Amy Weston/, as seen in NY Mag. (That image and a bunch more images from NY Mag here). I've been been near riots of this magnitude on two occasions - Paris in 2005-6 and Seattle WTO riots - neither of which I... read more ›
745 reads