Dasein: An invitation to hang could not be going better. Thanks to all of your participation, I get to spin through thousands of great images ever day. I'm having a blast, and I thought you might like to see what's got me fired up right now. My photo of the day for today is this priceless had-to-be-there moment from kinugrove. Other photos that have me jazzed? See what we've got hanging in the gallery at... read more ›
611 reads
Here's a sure-fire way to blow your career in photography: 1. Take lots of photos. 2. Get on twitter. 3. Start a blog. 4. Assist for another photographer. 5. Buy a better camera. 6. Create a "style" that's all your own. 7. Hire an intern. 8. Get an agent. 9. Do behind-the-scenes videos. 10. Get a studio. 11. Franchise your business. 12. Live off your stock library. 13. Sell your prints. 14. Get some gear... read more ›
1.3K reads
Hey friends, Erik here with the results from the 60 Second Landscape challenge I issued a two weeks ago today. We were blown away by the volume and quality of your entries, and we're excited to show you our 4 favorites. Chase's personal fav is above, 3 other freshies after the jump. Hit 'continue reading' Continue reading
329 reads
Since we're not tracking image by image whose work is hanging daily at the gallery in the Ace NYC (it's on a near constant rotation of prints - hundreds per day), we'll continue to publish vids like this and still images for you all to check out. REMINDER: this gallery wall changes every day, sometimes 2x per day, with 100-200 new images going up in every update. Stay tuned for yours. Still humbled... read more ›
329 reads
I'm whupped, so I'm going low brow on this one. Had to laugh. You gear heads are gonna love this. Continue reading
530 reads
Living at the Ace Hotel New York for 5 weeks has the benefit of getting to connect with the amazing cross section of people & culture. Enter: Reggie Watts. I've got a ton of respect for Reggie. He's a genius musician in a comedian's skin, who moved from Seattle to NYC a short while ago as his career exploded. The LA Times called him, "Deliciously strange." New York Magazine called him, "Spectacularly original."... read more ›
950 reads
This was one of my all time favorites episodes of chasejarvis LIVE. Brooklyn-based We Are Augustines swooped into the Garage and--in between sharing amazing insight about struggle, creative vision, and inspiration--played an amazing, emotionally-charged set for us. We then followed up with a live photoshoot for forthcoming promo material for the band and release of their new album. BTW, when you realize that you want to buy their album, sit tight. It'll be... read more ›
629 reads
Yowza. Just posting the chasejarvisLIVE rewatch here of the initial announcement and quick update on the project I launched just 4 days ago. (video above, audiocast version here.). Thanks to you and the worldwide creative community, the Dasein: An Invitation to Hang installation in NYC is off to an unbelievable start. I'm blown away by the images, the volume, and your response to the project. Humbled. Inspired. But we're just getting started. Yours... read more ›
439 reads
Friends, co-consiprators, co-inspirators, and anyone else who's just dropping in for the first time. I am so very excited. Hopefully you tuned into today's chasejarvisLIVE broadcast where I announced my latest project called Dasein: An Invitation to Hang. In case you missed it, check out the above video and details below. In short, it's important to me that you know enough about the project that you'd be willing to participate...to display your work right beside... read more ›
6.8K reads
If you've ever tuned into an episode of chasejarvisLIVE (or even if you've missed them all) tomorrow, Thursday, May 12 would be a great episode NOT to miss. I have a very special announcement I'd like to share with you LIVE from NYC. I'm personally as excited about this as any project I've ever launched. It involves a worldwide creative collaboration of artists and creatives, including YOU. Yes, literally you. Who: You, Me, & a... read more ›
356 reads