Not sure what "it" refers to in the title of this post, but whatever "it" is, Mike Relm's blowing "it" up. I had the good fortune of getting to know Mike last week at Sundance. His live DJ performance mixing both audio and video, was one of my highlights from the festival. Turns out Mike is also a solid director too--one you should know about--as evinced by the video above. I'd had a similar... read more ›
199 reads
Yep. You read that headline correctly. We're broadcasting our upcoming photo gig LIVE from our Seattle studio via the ol' internet on Friday, January 29 from 10am to 6pm (PST, which is GMT -8). This is tomorrow for most of you, but today for some! This is a total experiment, but we need your help. Please read on.The nuts and bolts: we're shooting the album cover and promo materials for a great alt country/punk band... read more ›
10.4K reads
Whoa! Just back from the Sundance Film Festival where I was fortunate enough to sit on a panel as a part of the Twitter 140TC Conference. The panel was called Filmmaking in the Age of Twitter: How Affordable, Innovative Tools are Transforming Hollywood . On the panel was yours truly, along with Joeseph Gordon-Levitt (500 Days of Summer and Hesher--new film with, gulp, Natalie Portman), Levar Burton (Star Trek, Roots), and Marcin Teodoru (Circle... read more ›
347 reads
Boom! Huge congrats to Marko Slavnik for taking home the $100,000 Nikon Festival prize for his short film “Chicken vs. Penguin”. I was lucky enough to speak with him by phone from the Sundance Film Festival yesterday to congratulate him--what a great guy. Humble, hardworking and knows how to tell a good story on film. When I asked him what he planned to do with the mooolah, his response was exactly what I’d hoped... read more ›
361 reads
Wanna make $5000 for an image? Check it.Hopefully you remember the campaign I shot for SanDisk down in New Zealand last autumn. The images were a blast to create and--if you recall--SanDisk was cool enough to let me blog/tweet/facebook about shooting the ads in real time, which made it the first global campaign of its kind.We made a whole lotta videos and did a several follow up posts, and I received a ton of great... read more ›
236 reads
Howdy friends, quick note here...scribbling this one in remote-style from the cold and snowy streets of Sundance Film Festival in Park City, UT. (Check out my hat and my sweet blue steel.) If you happen to be in the neighborhood (or if you're following a lot of Twitter streams) there's a ton of cool stuff going on. I wanted to share with you a few things in particular:1. I'll be sitting on a panel as... read more ›
169 reads
Creative ideas don't gently glide across the artist's desk, darkroom tray, or easel comfortably between the hours of 9 and 5. Occasionally they do, but by and large they usually smash us in the side of the head at 10:56pm when the movie is over, at 12:10am after the argument with your brother or, in my case this morning at 3:56am after awaking from a startling, but amazing, dream. To be clear, I'm not advocating... read more ›
216 reads
Whether you're in the USA observing the holiday from home or the office, or you're abroad and perhaps not, I recommend that you take 17 minutes and watch this video. Pausing to refresh and reflect on this history plays an important role in our present and our future approach to civil rights worldwide.Much respect. Have a great day.RSS readers can catch the video here.--Get my every move: Follow Chase Jarvis on TwitterGet exclusive content:... read more ›
113 reads
I really dig that we're in a new era of photography where like minded shooters enjoy gathering to learn. I prefer to shoot photos rather than give classes or seminars, but I DO like to create these environments that allow photographers to experiment, socialize, and learn together. That's what this little evening was all about. Our hardworking crew rounded up an InnerSpace indoor skate part, handful of semi-pro skateboarders (mad respect!), a whole truckload... read more ›
194 reads
I've heard you say that there's nothing to take a picture of. I've heard you say you don't know what to make, when to make it, how to make it, what to do. I've heard you say that you don't know how to get your work "out there". I've heard you say that you don't know what to put on your blog. I've heard. I've heard. I've heard. And I promise you, I too... read more ›
646 reads