In this episode, we dig into the importance of taking creative risks. We all know that some risk is necessary. Simply said, you cannot stand out and fit in at the same time. If you're not sharing your work, you're hiding, and this tends to compound on itself. Once you start hiding, you stop growing. Creativity requires taking risks and embracing failure. Failure is the forward propulsion toward success and the sooner we can change... read more ›
626 reads
For some, being manic is simply a part of being creative. Non-stop ideas, improvements, and all-nighters are conducive to success in the field. But there is a line to be drawn - one that when crossed, can quickly lead to burnout and a reverse in productivity altogether. One of my best conversations about this was with Mel Robbins in 2021. Mel is a keynote speaker, author and life coach who frequently speaks on the topics... read more ›
896 reads
Have you ever sold yourself short? I have, and it stings. It was early in high school when my coaches were quick to identify young Chase Jarvis as a high-performing athlete with potential to play sports at a high level. As a result of this label - and in an effort to maximize my potential - I was introduced to a sports psychologist who specialized in a cutting-edge practice called “visualization,” whereby athletes were taught... read more ›
990 reads
In the mood to hear a fulfilling story? Look no further than Chelsea Yamase. Social media would have you thinking that this 34-year-old lives a life taken straight out of an adventure storybook, but there's even more to her lifestyle than meets the eye. I recently had the chance to speak with Chelsea on the podcast about everything from her personal journey as a creator to current outlooks and future plans. Meet Chelsea Yamase Most... read more ›
1.3K reads
Have you ever found yourself staring at a blank screen, with a deadline looming? Suddenly, the urge to scroll through social media becomes irresistible and you end up pulling an all-nighter fueled by caffeine and sheer determination. You might have met the deadline, but the quality of your work (not to mention your sleep) likely suffered. The toll on your mental and physical well-being was enormous. But why do we put ourselves through this last-minute... read more ›
1.1K reads
Tricky question - what fundamental thing does everyone need in order to achieve their ambitions? Rich parents? That can certainly help. But the real answer, as simple as it may seem, is progress. Prioritize Progress No matter who you are or what you're striving for, progress is the one thing capable of keeping every human's mind focused on the pursuit of a goal. It makes sense - our minds see everything through a logical lens... read more ›
806 reads
Archimedes famously said that if you gave him a lever long enough, he could move the whole world. And in 250 B.C. he was in fact challenged by the king to prove his claim—and he pulled it off. One man with a system of levers and pulleys was able to relocate an entire ship—the largest transport ship of his time fully outfitted, including crew, from shipyard to sea. He was using the same tools anyone... read more ›
753 reads
Newsflash: you're flawed. I'm flawed. We're all flawed. And that's because we're all human. Yet at the same time, we live in a culture of perpetual self-improvement - one that pressures us to be better and meet high standards on a consistent basis. Kristina Mänd-Lakhiani knows this well. As the co-founder of Mindvalley, the powerful life transformation platform used by over 20 million people worldwide, she has dedicated her life to personal development, helping individuals... read more ›
813 reads
Creativity is an intangible, yet essential part of our lives. It's a trait that can take us down unexplored paths, to make something out of nothing, and ultimately bring life to an idea or concept. As creative professionals, it's not only our job but also our passion to constantly seek out new and innovative ways of creating something meaningful. I recently sat down with Zack Arnold of the Optimize Yourself Podcast to talk about what... read more ›
690 reads
Once upon a time, Jenna Kutcher was just like many young college graduates - goal-driven, ambitious, and eager to take on the world of work. She envisioned a future of high-ranking corporate jobs and corner offices ahead. Or in other words, what society tells us is the only acceptable version of success. But it didn't take long for things to become clear and for Jenna to realize that the beaten path was not right for... read more ›
975 reads