we are, already more than half way through our job here. Great stuff today, again working with some of the best skiers and snowboarders in the world. This little recap vid, shot at 9pm last night--just before heading back to the villa for some data wrangling--shows me pretty darn tired, but still kicking. I'm on camera with my friend Chris Jerard from Freeskier and Snowboard magazines. Chris is our subject matter expert and snowsports... read more ›
192 reads
When we head off to location, our accommodations vary widely. Most often we stay in hotels, sometimes we rent large flats or houses, but in almost every case, we have a central, community area for gear, data crunching and collaboration. I thought it would be interesting to give you a spin thru that main area in our current "basecamp" to give you a feel for it. In this case, we're staying in a large... read more ›
259 reads
09 If you've tuned in at all in the past few days, you're aware of what I've got cooking. To my knowledge this is one of the first (perhaps THE first?) global, multi-week-long, play-by-play commercial shoot to have its behind-the-scenes life chronicled and broadcast almost in real time via blog, Facebook, and Twitter. This will be the deepest look into the black box of photography that I've been able to share to date. By a... read more ›
358 reads
06 uploaded this vid to my Facebook page from the Karl Strauss brewery at LAX and it quickly got over 100 comments/likes in about 15 hours. Since questions poured in from there and twitter, I thought I'd chuck the vid up here and scramble to answer some of those questions over a wimpy cappuccino here in the Air New Zealand lounge before running to our next legs to Christchurch and onto Queenstown.Some of your questions... read more ›
263 reads
For those of you that like the behind the scenes content, prepare for a deluge.I'm off to New Zealand to shoot a campaign literally this minute, and for the next two weeks I'll be giving you the absolute best play-by-play that I can here via the blog, on facebook, and on twitter. It's a huge challenge while I'm working the super long shoot days to pull this off, but I'm going to give it my... read more ›
196 reads
Public Service Announcement. I meant to get this up last week, but was buried. Great idea pulled together by fellow photog, Jeremy Cowart, that he ran with first over at Scott Kelby's blog and then followed at We don't need to know the details here, but if you are planning to help, say so here. It will inspire others to do the same. I plan to help. Will you?-- Get my every move: Follow... read more ›
503 reads
One fine day a creative director in a big corner office downtown kindly agreed for me to come show him my work. Hooray! So I came to his office and showed him my work. Frankly, the work was bloody awful. All of it. Imagine the worst, cheesiest...crap. Only far worse than that. The creative director was a nice guy. You could tell he didn't think much of my work, though he was far too polite... read more ›
147 reads
25[UPDATE: I dunno why Facebook has relegated me to this still image here above, when it's really a video. In many cases, when we've posted a video that's been flooded with traffic, they've stopped serving the video to ease up on their servers. In any case, I'm not sure what's going on, but if you click 'continue reading' below, you will get to see the vid...]Posted this to Facebook yesterday, but thought it should go... read more ›
153 reads
Alright. This is just plain cooler than cool. All y'all have seen photography's "painting with light", the technique where you leave the shutter on your camera open for a long time, use a light and drag it around in the frame, and get some cool stuff, writing, shapes, etc. But what do you get when you fuse this technique with one of hip hop culture's oldest pastimes? You get HALO, the brain-child of Parisian artist,... read more ›
331 reads
It was just reported today at that CBS will insert the world's first paper-thin interactive video screen into copies of the September 18th issue of Time Inc.’s Entertainment Weekly:"The screens will be around the size of a mobile phone display and have rechargeable batteries. When readers open the magazine to the ad pages, it will activate a chip used to store the video (similar to a singing greeting card), they will then see a... read more ›
603 reads