No one is coming to save you. Experts are valuable when you’re learning new skills, but neither experts nor institutions are going to nurture you, guide you, or make your creative dream a reality. You’re on your own path. It’s all up to you. This isn’t a bad thing, either. Your creativity gives you the capacity to design the life you want. The world of education has already changed. You no longer need an MFA... read more ›
733 reads
Simone Stolzoff is an independent journalist and designer from San Francisco. He has worn many professional hats over the years, and now uses his insight to advise leaders—from the Surgeon General of the United States to the Chief Talent Officer at Google—on human-centric workplace culture. Simone's new book, 'The Good Enough Job', was just released. He sits down with me for this episode to discuss it and the topic of workaholism at large. The Religion... read more ›
1.6K reads
Whether we realize it or not, life happens. Interruptions and obstacles crop up: an implosion in your side hustle disrupts your day job, or a big challenge at your day job necessitates skipping creative work for several weeks in a row. 3-6 months can go by and the next thing you know, you can’t remember the last time you spent real time on your dreams. If this sounds familiar, it might be time to review... read more ›
1.4K reads
Gagan Biyani is an entrepreneur by trade. He began exploring the career path at the age of 21, tinkering with ideas before eventually starting education technology Udemy in 2010 with co-founders Eren Bali and Oktay Caglar. He's also dabbled in journalism as a writer for TechCrunch, run a conference business, lent his skills as a marketing advisor to Lyft, and in 2013 founded Sprig, a start-up focused on sustainability and health-conscious food delivery services. Today,... read more ›
1K reads
There’s a saying that goes: Plan for Success, Learn from Failure While I’d anticipated a demand for frequent updates of Best Camera if we succeeded—I’d baked it into the contract—what I had not anticipated was the possibility of such incredibly rapid success. I’d structured an agreement with the developers based on the idea that the app would take a while to achieve liftoff. The revenue split favored me once their initial investment was repaid. That... read more ›
815 reads
17 "Please God, don't let them be out of coffee". Although we're all guilty of saying prayers like these every now and then, the reality is that our society is more disconnected from spirituality than ever. In fact, such in-the-moment pleas are probably the closest many people get to acknowledging some sort of higher power in their life nowadays. Why is that? Religion is literally as old as time, yet its prevalence has dwindled over... read more ›
1K reads
Experimenting with a new format with my pal Christoper Jerard. We’re planning to do a few of these so you can hear a format where there is more banter and storytelling. A little sneak behind how the sausage is made. Let us know what you think. There's no doubt about the fact that AI will be a defining tenet of our times. Despite being limited to pagers and VHS only a few decades ago, today's society... read more ›
889 reads
10 It doesn't take a shrink to figure out how Priya Parker became a master of gathering. Raised in a biracial American-Indian household, she grew up with two very different family trees that were both literally and figuratively a world apart from one another. To her, communication was an essential part of creating and maintaining lasting connections. Over the last two decades, Priya has dedicated her career to studying and teaching the art of conflict... read more ›
2.1K reads
As a creative entrepreneur, you know the importance of putting yourself out there and seeking new clients to help your business grow. Unfortunately, approaching potential customers can be intimidating – even if you’re confident in your work – because it requires you to put yourself on the line. Fortunately, with just a few simple steps, you can start building confidence and conquering your fear for good! Try these battle-tested tips designed to build self-assurance when... read more ›
544 reads
Although he's most well-known for his role in helping launch and edit Wired Magazine, Kevin Kelly is also an accomplished New York Times bestselling author and contributor to The Wall Street Journal. His career has been spent delving into emerging topics in the world of tech, which most recently includes Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its impact on humanity. We sat down for this podcast to tap into Kevin's broad expertise on the subject matter and... read more ›
1.1K reads