Experimenting with a new format with my pal Christoper Jerard. We’re planning to do a few of these so you can hear a format where there is more banter and storytelling. A little sneak behind how the sausage is made. Let us know what you think. There's no doubt about the fact that AI will be a defining tenet of our times. Despite being limited to pagers and VHS only a few decades ago, today's society... read more ›
852 reads
https://youtu.be/5UXuT5DHLys It doesn't take a shrink to figure out how Priya Parker became a master of gathering. Raised in a biracial American-Indian household, she grew up with two very different family trees that were both literally and figuratively a world apart from one another. To her, communication was an essential part of creating and maintaining lasting connections. Over the last two decades, Priya has dedicated her career to studying and teaching the art of conflict... read more ›
2K reads
As a creative entrepreneur, you know the importance of putting yourself out there and seeking new clients to help your business grow. Unfortunately, approaching potential customers can be intimidating – even if you’re confident in your work – because it requires you to put yourself on the line. Fortunately, with just a few simple steps, you can start building confidence and conquering your fear for good! Try these battle-tested tips designed to build self-assurance when... read more ›
530 reads
Although he's most well-known for his role in helping launch and edit Wired Magazine, Kevin Kelly is also an accomplished New York Times bestselling author and contributor to The Wall Street Journal. His career has been spent delving into emerging topics in the world of tech, which most recently includes Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its impact on humanity. We sat down for this podcast to tap into Kevin's broad expertise on the subject matter and... read more ›
1K reads
I’m a self-taught photographer. I progressed in fits and starts and plenty of dead ends. Yet no one was telling me what to learn. I was following my curiosity- just trying to take photos I wanted. Successes helped me solidify new techniques, and failures gave me opportunities to figure out what I did wrong. But here’s the thing. If you want to be the noun, you need to do the verb. I wanted to be... read more ›
1K reads
Ryan Holiday loves to write. He has published several books within the past decade, including "The Obstacle Is the Way" and "Ego Is the Enemy". One of his more prominent pieces of work 'The Daily Stoic' was published in 2016 after our mutual connection Steve Hanselman began encouraging him to write a one-page-a-day philosophy book. An interesting take on the traditional one-and-done reads he had explored before, Ryan decided to do that by creating a... read more ›
1.1K reads
Are some people just born creative, or is creativity something that can be learned? Check this out: in 1968, George Land developed a creativity test for NASA to help them select innovative engineers and scientists. He then used the same test to assess the creativity of 1,600 Head Start program kids, and tested them again at ages 10 and 15. The results? Among 5-year-olds, 98% showed high levels of creativity. But by age 15, that... read more ›
831 reads
We’re facing the problem of compulsive overconsumption in the modern world. I’m speaking with the internationally recognized leader in addiction medicine treatment and education, Anna Lembke, MD. The way she explains it is that almost everything is drug-ified in some way or another in the modern world. The topic we get into on this podcast is key to our well-being and success in a digital age. In a world that seems to never stop there... read more ›
886 reads
The idea of a solo creator who goes off to a cabin in the woods for a month and returns with a finished masterpiece? Purely a mirage. We desperately need to connect with others: those with both similar and radically different influences and interests, those who love what we do, those who will give us honest feedback. We become more fully ourselves when we are in a community of other creators. Working alone can be... read more ›
782 reads
Dr. Kelly Starrett is a renowned physical therapist, coauthor of the bestselling books Becoming a Supple Leopard, Ready to Run and Deskbound, and cofounder of The Ready State and San Francisco CrossFit. He has consulted with athletes and coaches from the NFL, NBA, NHL, and MLB, as well as the US Olympic Team, military forces, and corporations on employee health and wellbeing. Kelly and I recently sat down to discuss his latest book 'Built to... read more ›
1.3K reads