For the past twenty-five years, Marcus Buckingham has been the world's leading researcher into strengths, human performance, and the future of how people work. In his new book, Love + Work, Marcus helps us discover where we are at our best—both at work and in life. He is the author of two of the best-selling business books of all time, has two of Harvard Business Review's most circulated, industry-changing cover articles, and has been the... read more ›
2.2K reads
I didn’t decide at the age of 21 that I’d follow my creative calling and be an artist or action sports photographer, let alone the founder of a creative online learning platform. I simply started listening to my gut, and that woke something up in me. My creativity refused to be dormant. It gave me a thread to pull on and I unraveled it to move forward with my goals trusting they were mine. When... read more ›
1.3K reads
Do you really need to have meaning and purpose in life? Or do you just live your life without thinking and analyzing this question? Why does it matter to understand your life essence? What is the meaning of life, and what does it have to do with consciousness (mind, body, and soul)? Humans are the only beings that question their existence, and the most significant quest in one's life is to find and understand the... read more ›
1.5K reads
Are you starting a new job? Making a career transition? I’ve received a number of inbound questions on this topic as new grads seek jobs and/or folks are in a career transition and a couple of the most common here: Getting Hired Without Experience Question 1: Entering an Industry Without Experience The first question comes from Anna, a fourth year architecture student. She says, “Hi, Chase, I'm realizing that I don't actually want to be an... read more ›
1K reads
Tony was a key part of the teams that built the initial iterations of the iPod, iPhone, and much more. Now an investor and entrepreneur with a 30+ year history of founding companies and designing products that profoundly improve people’s lives, Tony's primary focus is as Principal of Future Shape, which coaches over 200+ startups innovating game-changing technologies. On a recent episode of the Chase Jarvis Live Show, we talked about building things- from building... read more ›
1.2K reads
Today' on the show I'm answering your questions. The first question I don't get asked enough, but I've certainly thought a lot about: how do balance career, exercise, and creative time. While this can be different for everyone, I've found ways to protect the habits that are necessary for my own mental health. Listen to the Podcast Re-thinking Recovery Days Taking care of your health while working hard in other areas is a constant challenge... read more ›
1.2K reads
For some of us, it feels like we were born with our dreams because we’ve known what we want to do with our lives for as long as we could remember. For others, our dreams have evolved over time and experience or even caught us by surprise with an unexpected turn of events in life. Regardless of when or where these dreams came from one commonality is that these dreams have created urges in us... read more ›
1K reads
Each moment and conversation brings with it treasures and nuggets of wisdom if we’re paying close enough attention to find them. My conversation with Jason Reynolds was no exception with his fresh perspectives on critical thinking, anxiety and identity. Thus the inspiration behind this blog... a few big topics with not-so-widely heard perspectives. Learning to Think Critically on the Fly Critical thinking is a skill that is greatly admired and often associated with people of... read more ›
3K reads
Let's face it, the pandemic has changed a number of things around us, including remote working, remote events, and even more time on social media. Slowly though, we are emerging from our hovels and in-person events are coming back to life. As concerts, festivals, conferences and many local events are starting to come back, I'm looking forward to reconnecting with everyone IRL (in real life). Don't Forget the Other 50% If you've been hiding behind... read more ›
1.1K reads
If you've been a reader of this blog or a listener of my podcast, the Chase Jarvis LIVE show, you know I'm obsessed with cold water exposure. That's what I was excited to have Dr. Mark Harper on the show to discuss new studies and stories around how cold water swimming and cold water exposure benefits the body’s overall function. Dr. Mark Harper is a consultant anesthetist at Sussex University Hospitals (UK) and Kristiansand (Norway).... read more ›
4K reads