If you're pursing a photography career, you'll want to lean into my latest conversation on the Chase Jarvis LIVE show with Chris Burkard. I have had the great privilege of knowing Chris for darn near a decade now. As an accomplished photographer, explorer, author, creative director, and speaker, he has travelled to some of the most remote places on earth capturing stories and images that connect us to nature and the importance of protecting... read more ›
1.7K reads
Career decisions can be daunting. The right choice is often unclear, and the trade offs uncertain. Should you stay in your current role or go look for something new? Is it in your best interest to move cities and re locate or double down on your current market? These big decisions can leave us paralyzed. And yet, one of the ways to break through that paralysis is by soliciting the opinions of others. As the... read more ›
1.2K reads
What sets memorable stories, presentations, and speeches apart from the ordinary? If you think it has to do with the speaker's innate ability, you'll be surprised to learn that it doesn't. Fortunately, Victoria Wellman knows how to craft compelling messages and overcome our fear of public speaking. Victoria is the Co-Founder of The Oratory Laboratory, a Manhattan-based boutique creative agency for public speakers. Formerly a journalist, copywriter, producer, a trained actress and voice-over artist, Victoria... read more ›
1.5K reads
What would it feel like to put your creative ambition out into the world? To share your work with others? Creative expression is a fundamental piece of human health. The more you create, the closer you feel to the truest version of yourself. Tapping into your own unique creative mojo feels good, and it’s life sustaining. But it doesn’t stop when you finish the work. Putting your work out into the world is part of... read more ›
1.3K reads
Pain and suffering are fundamental to the human experience. We come into this world with the belief that there’s a better, more beautiful world out there, and we long to return to it. This pain can consume you if you let it, but it can also be a potent catalyst for creativity. Questions to get things rolling: Do you typically repress the pain, internalize it, and let it damage the way you treat yourself and... read more ›
1.7K reads
It’s hard to be the best version of yourself when you have no juice in the tank. You can follow your passions and love the work you do, but if you neglect foundational activities that lead to recovery and energy, you're almost guaranteed to burn out. Here are 5 things I do every try day to prioritize my own health and happiness. 1. Meditation + Morning Priming What is the first thing you do when... read more ›
1.5K reads
Max Lugavere is a health and science journalist focused on nutrition, fitness, and wellness. Max’s journey to understanding the power food has on brain function began when was helping his mother, who developed Lewy body dementia. He noticed the doctors doing nothing except trying to manage the symptoms- rather than actually curing the disease. He started learning and applying what we are now learning about the science of food and cooking and kicked off a... read more ›
2.8K reads
In this week’s episode, I take two questions that any creator or business owner should consider. First, Anisha wants to know how to handle the experience of having someone you’ve mentored “move on” from needing you as a mentor. A huge part of maturing in our personal and professional lives lies in learning how to let go of the ego. If the person you have been mentoring no longer needs your help, that is actually... read more ›
1.2K reads
Morgan Harper Nichols is a poet, artist, and author with a goal to form meaningful connections through her work, and help others find peace in their own lives. Her most recent book, “Peace is a Practice: An Invitation to Breathe Deep and Find a New Rhythm for Life,” is a must read that invites people to slow down and return to the present moment, using breath as their vehicle. Morgan opens up about her financial... read more ›
1.4K reads
If you told me in my twenties that being rigorous about my schedule would be a major differentiator in the success of my creative work, I would have said, you’re crazy. You can’t put creativity in a box like that, I thought. In my mind, schedules only confined the creative process. Today, my thoughts on this have completely 180’d, and I firmly believe that setting a schedule can be your biggest ally as a creator.... read more ›
1.5K reads