Hello my internet friends! Today is a very exciting day. I'm proud to announce 28 to Make: daily creative project ideas. Short version: I want you to join me and some friends in a global 28 day movement to dramatically enhance your creativity - and maybe your life. Longer version? Read on...but it's basically just pure awesome, and very simple, low friction, zero cost and just 5 minutes per day to way way way up... read more ›
4K reads
"Busy" isn't success. Busy is a lack of priority. For a long time I thought the following about "busy" people: -they were important -they were cool -that had it so rough - poor them! They need sympathy! Then, after bailing on a career in soccer, dodging medical school and quitting half-way through getting a PhD in Philosophy - I went to work for myself. That's when being "busy" doing all that busy work ACTUALLY got... read more ›
28.8K reads
We're into the new year and everyone's talking about resolutions and goals... lose weight, quit drinking, teach yourself some new skills. Yet something like 1 in 3 folks give up before the end of the first month. What gives? I'm cutting to the punchline on this one: 'Change' by itself sounds so big and ominous. But it's not. At its core, change is just making the 'right' decision toward the outcome you want enough time... read more ›
9.4K reads
Alright you camera freaks. The long-awaited Nikon D5 + Nikon D500 have finally been announced. Live from the CES show in Las Vegas yesterday Nikon paraded out their new babies for all the geeks and journalists. As a face for Nikon long before there was such a thing (I know - hard to remember that far back) and core to launching new cameras for them (like this and this, I long lived at the heart... read more ›
3.7K reads
So grateful for all the feedback on the last #cjRAW. Went vlog style for the Stolen Golf Cart + Other Life Lessons vid and got great feedback (with, of course, one hater ;) As such - given the fun I had making the last one, the success of that approach, plus some free time early in this new year and I thought I'd follow up that with another vlog episode here... This time - of... read more ›
2K reads
I live by hard work + hustle -- they are some of the key elements to my success and the successes of so many of my peers... but so is recovery. One cannot live at 100mph. One cannot ALWAYS be on a diet, be in peak performance. Rest is mandatory. We either choose to find it in appropriate doses OR our bodies an our lives will choose it for us (crash and burn, get sick,... read more ›
1.2K reads
Calling all maker geeks, photo geeks, and audiophiles - this one is for you. Yes yes, I regularly champion experience over stuff, but the reality is also true that we creators use tools to create. As such, in today's #cjRAW I shine a bright little light on 3 tech tools that caught my eye. One for the geeky geeks, one for the photo geeks, and a third for the audiofile / video geeks. Glowforge When... read more ›
1.8K reads
Hi friends, back atcha here with another #cjRAW. You might remember in Episode 10, I asked for you to tag your questions #heychase and I'd answer those questions? Well, you did your part, and now I'll do mine. In this episode I answer the following questions from this community. I go deep on some, quick on others, but tell me in the comments below or on social that I'm adding value... And of course feel... read more ›
644 reads
HA! You asked for another #cjRAW behind-the-scenes photo/video shoot...and so I'm DELIVERING! That's right, in this episode of #cjRAW, I take you on location to photograph SERENA WILLIAMS, ROGER FEDERER and half dozen more of the BEST TENNIS STARS IN THE WORLD (while shooting a campaign for Wilson Tennis). Working smoothly with pro athletes or celebrities or otherwise fancy people on set is under-recognized, but highly valuable skill. Put bluntly - it is almost always... read more ›
5K reads
Hey friends - Happy Holidays! It's the day after Thanksgiving here in the states, and I'm getting some much needed family & friend time. I was up late last night and I made a video in the dark by myself. Just a little rant I'd like you to watch and consider and share. As we head into the holidays, I'm seeing all the consumerism messages everywhere. Above all, it makes me think about something I... read more ›
1.3K reads