We’ve come to reserve the word GENIUS only for the top percent of society, a special gifted few. But the truth is, there is genius in all of us. What we really need to do is find it and let it out.
I asked Michael Meade, a renowned storyteller, author, and scholar of mythology, anthropology, and psychology and author of The Genius Myth to help break this down — and like all good chasejarvisRAWs, he breaks it down into three things:
- What is Genius
- How do we find Genius
- What are the common blockers of Genius
Michael has some valuable advice and wisdom on this, so I’ll leave you to watch the video and see for yourself. In short, if you are looking for inner genius (aka calling in life), know this:
- We each have a unique combination of gifts and talents that if discovered, nurtured and honed can be a powerful force in each of us (and the world).
- If you are unsure what your genius is, look for two big levers under which you use it: a) the thing you love, love, love. You’d do anything for and/or b) adversity – what did you do to survive, get out of trouble.
- The genius inside of us will keep calling. So don’t give up and keep looking. The path to finding it is as unique as every person. There’s isn’t a single path, systematic approach, or decoder ring.
What’s Covered
Welcome Michael Meade [0:40] What is Genius? [1:58] How do we find Genius? [3:27] What are the common blockers to finding it? [10:18]
Links From The Episode
Michael Meade – http://www.mosaicvoices.org/
The Genius Myth – https://www.mosaicvoices.org/the-genius-myth-book.html
30 Days of Genius – http://cr8.lv/29WDmGT
Music From:
“You Can Have It” by Fresh Espresso: https://www.facebook.com/FreshEspresso