Happy Birthday USA! Quick and Dirty Tips for Shooting Fireworks: [If you want an in-depth step by step check out the video above from creativeLIVE] 1. Use a Tripod You'll want to make sure your camera is stable and secure. Check out some support systems here. 2. Remote Release Invest in a remote release device. You can also use the timer shutter release function - but a remote release is the best option. 3. ISO... read more ›
5.5K reads
You may recall a few weeks back I released a video of the behind-the-scenes action for a cool gig I was asked to create for Samsung around their Series 9 Color Premium monitors. It was a dream job in a lot of ways. For one, I got to literally photograph a re-creation of my dreams; for two, on jobs like that I get the opportunity to rub elbows with the best crew ---cinematographers,... read more ›
1.7K reads
I didn't talk about it much, but over the past month I lost two close family members in 48 hours. My grandmother passed away on Mother's Day and my wife Kate's grandmother passed away 2 days later. Neither was expected. As you might imagine, it was a crushing week (and following month) for our family. And now not a day goes by that I don't think about them. More importantly, I've had a real chance... read more ›
386 reads
Just a personal note to YOU from my homie, actor Adrian Grenier [Entourage]... He is stoked to announce the LA, NY, Seattle, Portland & Atlanta theatrical opening for his latest documentary film How to Make Money Selling Drugs. I have seen the movie - it's fantastic. An interesting twisted approach to awareness around the causes and effects of the whole drug war enchilada... If you've ever wondered about the failed, resource-sucking... read more ›
1.6K reads
UPDATE: 5 bonus winners!! Five folks have won a free download of Secrets from Silicon Valley featuring Reid Hoffman, Tim Ferriss, Guy Kawasaki --all who have profoundly influenced my career-- plus many other great business minds. Congrats to: Nelson Mouellic Bob Fisher Brian Bulemore Rodrigo Figueras Tony DiMaggio Winners: email production@chasejarvis.com to claim your prize. AND... Tune in LIVE RIGHT NOW. Guy Kawasaki is coming up next. UPDATE: Huge thanks to the 500 or so... read more ›
1.1K reads
My friends at the Photo Center NW are always showcasing new work and ideas that help progress the craft of photography. I'm a huge fan (and an honorary board member) of PCNW and this is a cool event they are putting on that I wanted y'all to know about... and it's happening THIS WEEK. A 24-hour photo marathon going down on the longest day of the year June 21 (that's in 3 days). Rafael Soldi... read more ›
713 reads
Small cameras with big sensors are clearly an important part of the future. From the shockingly affordable cinema cameras from Blackmagic Designs to my beloved Olympus E-M5, it's clear to see that camera manufacturers are responding to a demand for compact camera systems. Sony is up there toward the front of the "big sensor/small camera" charge and seem to be pushing the technology forward, with last years Cybershot RX100, and now this years Cybershot RX1,... read more ›
4.1K reads
With Adobe Photoshop looking ahead to its 25th anniversary, a handful of clever advertising pranks, and the recent exhibit at the National Gallery of Art on the history of photo manipulation [deets below], I thought we'd wax nostalgic for a hot minute on how far photography has come -- and hasn't come -- from those pre-school days of cutting, coloring and pasting. For those of us who love to wrench around in Photoshop on a... read more ›
4.1K reads
Been shooting some freeride mountain biking lately and was poking around the web when I stumbled on this yesterday...behind the scenes on how this crew filmed a peregrine falcon chasing (and grabbing at) professional downhill mountain biker Gee Atherton over bumps, jumps and at insane speeds. Love the The Earth Unplugged crew's approach and patience, plus the ingenuity that thy used in a)the concept; and b)the filming techiques. #muchrespect I'm not a gear... read more ›
915 reads
The banal and boring quickly get lost as noise among the infinite video and photo uploads that occur across the interwebs on the daily. To rise above and be seen, you need to step your shit up, big time. The peeps over at NRS Films and Forge are on a serious streak of producing killer, award-winning films of their paddling adventures. "Is this a vacation?" they ask themselves? Watch the video and tell me this... read more ›
375 reads