There's a magical impermanence to Simon Beck's "Snow Art," like low tide beach sculptures or Buddhist sand mandalas. Created using snowshoes and precise orienteering, these snow crop circles -- which average 10 hours of focused, measured walking to complete -- last only as long as the conditions favor them. A stiff breeze, a new snow or a sudden thaw and it's tabula rasa, all over again. As yourself if you have the love-of-what-you-do, desire, and... read more ›
2.7K reads
No one has single-handedly given me better insight about the business side of art/photography than New York Times best-selling author, Ramit Sethi. As artists, if we want to make a living with our work, we - like it or not - must foster our business/entrepreneurial skills, we must realize the value of our work, and we must know how to get paid. In this tight little guest post,... read more ›
5.1K reads
As a creative you likely already have your 'go-to' sources for visual inspiration. There's certainly no shortage of them; from to the Atlantic's In Focus blog, the internet is a massive library of outstanding eye candy. And, like any good library, there are always hidden gems down less-frequented aisles. Here are 5 sources that are a bit off the beaten path - but worth the trip. This Isn't Happiness (NSFW) [caption id="attachment_18033" align="alignnone" width="620" caption="This... read more ›
3.9K reads
One of the most common questions we hear from all of you is, "What is your everyday kit?" Our digital cinema guru, Erik, wanted to take a minute to chat gear with you and answer that question from his perspective. Please give him another warm welcome… This post is another installment of a series that our staff is doing about the gear that we consider essential for our work…the stuff we don’t leave home without.... read more ›
13.3K reads
UPDATE: The LIVE broadcast is January 30th - 11am SEA time (2pm NYC -19:00 London) - mark your calendars and flip your dial to Les Stroud combined his love of the outdoors as a professional survival instructor with a passion for film and photography and created a new genre of television with the highest ratings in the history of both OLN Canada, the Science Channel US, and among the most popular shows ever on... read more ›
1.2K reads
From the street to the gallery: Ever wonder what happens to old skateboards that get tossed when next year's decks come out? Turns out some of them make it into the three-dimensional sculptures of Japanese artist Haroshi. Haroshi takes layers of stacked decks and transforms them into multi-colored body parts, animals, toys and shoes [which I'd definitely wear]. Here's a little insight into the process, taken from the... read more ›
1.5K reads
How does that song go? "I believe the children are our future." While it's an obvious statement, apparently photographer Danny Goldfield shares this same sentiment. Over a period of seven years, he dedicated his work to photographing a child from every country... except he did it at all right on the streets of New York City. The work is not only a journey into the faces of... read more ›
1.1K reads
This is the highest I've ever been. It’s weird. Days on Kilimanjaro feel both infinitely long and short at the same time. They are long thanks to pre-dawn wakeups, 10 hours on trail 5 to 14 miles and 3-4,500 vertical feet covered each day. They are short because there is nearly zero time for anything but climbing, preparing for climbing, or, sleeping. Honestly, the focus is a welcome change from the day-to-day “real” world stuff.... read more ›
541 reads
There's one thing about classical music that I've always believed: it is far better to see it performed than to hear a recording of it. While this is true for just about all kinds of music, the multi-layered nature of classical compositions (especially pieces that call for large orchestras) make it even more suited than normal for in-person performance. And when those performances take place in public, the experience is all the more radical. Breaking... read more ›
15.4K reads
It's been out in the marketplace for a while now - but the conversation and questions continue to churn around the D600. Is it all that and a bag of chips? Or is there a catch? Is it a good choice for the working pro and how does it compare to Nikon's D800? At a pricepoint that is majorly accesible, it offers similar features as the DX-format D7000 and seems to represent a big leap... read more ›
3.6K reads