One golden rule to a great photoshoot is to start with great production. A smooth production puts everyone and everything in the right place for the shoot to succeed long before the shutter button gets pressed. That said, I have some of the best producers in the biz on staff. And here, Megan outlines one essential to every commercial production - the production notebook. Use this info to help make your next production run smooth... read more ›
15.9K reads
Update: The LIVE broadcast is TODAY Wednesday December 19th. Check out the post below and be sure to tune into — 11am SEA time (2pm NYC -19:00 London) — and enjoy the show. See you on there. I am an advocate of personal work. Finding time to create personal projects has been one of the most valuable experiences of my career as a visual artist. My guest on the next week's episode of chasejarvisLIVE... read more ›
851 reads
ANOTHER UPDATE 12/19: today Instagram did a much better job in the media explaining their position - specifically around not "selling" your images as in "here ya go company X, use this in your next billboard". As an artist & entrepreneur, having been involved in IP licensing all my professional career and navigated these waters such I think I understand their challenge better than most. The legalese required around IP creators (in this case... read more ›
3.4K reads
You're going to think I've lost my mind. But since I'm told the internet is made of cats...I couldn't resist this one. Whatever you want to say about pet photos (I'm usually on the front lines of vigorous head-shaking when it comes to this well-known and over-saturated genre) this series of "cat photos" stopped me in my tracks. Far from a run-of-the-mill pet gallery, these are poignant images, deeply textured and as much about life... read more ›
1.2K reads
If you’re an on-location photographer or filmmaker, then you know how much value a great location can add to the shoot. I like to find and feature supercool locations around the world. Stuff I discover, stuff that others send me, places I’d love to shoot. If the location makes you scratch your chin, laugh aloud or the hair on your arms stands up... it might... read more ›
2.9K reads
The Fine Art world has always been an interest of mine. In fact, I was pursuing a graduate degree in the philosophy of art before I quit to pursue photography full time. Quitting was the result of a waning interest in learning about dead white guys --- and it was a good move for me in the long run. Humans have been creating art for... read more ›
2.6K reads
If you take photos for a living - or simply love the craft - you are probably like me in that you've spent more of your hard earned dough on cameras and photographic gadgetry than the average Joe. But would you be willing to pay 2 million dollars for a camera? That's a whole new level of love for the magic light-box. I'm referring to David Douglas Duncan's Leica... read more ›
7.2K reads
Surf fans have likely already seen the video of Garrett McNamara, a 44-year-old Hawaii native, breaking the Guinness World Record for largest wave every ridden. Caught in Nazare, Portugal, the wave was measured by an independent panel of experts at a jaw-dropping 78 feet. Apparently McNamara almost missed out on this wave because he was so exhausted from the previous day of riding waves that, according to the professional surfer, "were a little... read more ›
1.8K reads
If you’re an on-location photographer or filmmaker, then you know how much value a great location can add to the shoot. I like to find and feature supercool locations around the world. Stuff I discover, stuff that others send me, places I’d love to shoot. If the location makes you scratch your chin, laugh aloud or the hair on your arms stands up... it might... read more ›
14.9K reads
In case you missed the live episode last week - this chasejarvisLIVE with Robert Greene was one of the most powerful episodes to date. The feedback on the internet has been a testament to the impact of the show and Robert's ability to help people. #cjLIVE trended on twitter! Thanks to all who continue to tune in to my experiment in live broadcasting. You can check out more episodes of chasejarvisLIVE over on... read more ›
1.6K reads