What: bike shot
Why this angle: the air + the trail tells a good story. plus all those vertical lines kept the scene clean. Nice light too…looking up really “opened up” the image. Simplicity almost always wins – in this case it does.
How: I laid under the jump and motor-drived the action at 9fps. we shot several attempts to ensure the rider was in the right spot relative to the rest of the scene…plus we added in the little bike tilt for some flair.
Gear n such: Nikon D3s. Nikkor 14-242l8 lens shot at 15mm. ISO 800. f3.5 1/1000sec (Here’s a link for you gear folks)
Feel free to let me know what you think. Or just tell me you like it.
Nice Capture as always Chase.
My question is how much time did you spend in photoshop? lol
under 5 min.
Nice and impressive keep up the good work.
Great shot! this is very inspirational, both because of the original POV but also to demonstrate that you can do amazingly powerful and stellar work with little gear (meaning no fancy truckload of flashes etc 🙂 !
catch up soon hopefully!