I’ve watched this vid a half dozen times since it came out a while back. I never tire of it. If you missed it when it first dropped –OR, hell, even if you’ve seen it before–please saddle up here for 5 min and enjoy the unique power of photography.
When I talk about “Social Art” (like here for example) this is, in part, what I’m getting at. A magnificent and stunning example here from JR. Top tier. Scale. Impact. All of it.
[JR’s TED talk is here if you didn’t catch that a while back]
This brought tears to my eyes…
Truly incredible and extremely powerful…
JR *is* changing the world, if only in a small way…
Thanks for sharing, Chase…
Great work… !
Thats one of the most inspiring things i have seen in a long time, its the shizzle
That was inspirational! I had not seen it before. Thanks for posting that!