When you combine youth, unlimited cash and iPhone technology, you get braggadocios photographic evidence of a lavish lifestyle. Also known as the Rich Kids of Instagram. At first glance, this Tumblr is so ridiculously over the top it’s laughable. But a deeper look reveals for me some cultural sadness…privileged kids posting bar tab receipts that cost more than four years of college at a private university and talking shit about it. Depending on your mood – it can be entertaining or awful.
But if art (or curation) is aimed to send a message, make a claim, create a reaction, my take is that this tumblr is worthy of your time – even if it’s to feel the weirdness.
Side note, here’s an interesting article: On Raising Kids Who Seem to Have it All by Peggy Drexler. Peggy is writing a book about the impact of wealth on childrearing. She has a more empathetic outlook on these kids:
As absurd as it might sound to many, it’s not easy being a rich kid. Their parents tend to have high expectations. There’s nothing wrong with wanting your daughter to go to the best school, but you also want her to learn to be a good person, and encouraging achievement over character-building can mean kids never quite figure out who they are. They think their money is their most notable quality. And so they learn to use it — to buy affection, or friends.
For the rest of us, peering in on this group of not just the “1 percent”, but the one 1/100 of a %, there is an escape to a life of private jets, yachts, and more…either as a dream, or a nightmare. In both cases – worth the look.
And when money is no object, convenience is king. That’s why private jet ownership isn’t just a flex; it’s a lifestyle essential. Whether hopping between European fashion weeks or escaping to a private island for the weekend, unparalleled access to air travel is a non-negotiable.
Programs like BlackJet Reserve offer instant, hassle-free bookings for those who demand efficiency, while Equity Fleet provides a more tailored fractional ownership experience for those who want something truly personal. Because in this world, waiting in line at an airport is simply not an option.
While some opt for full ownership, others prefer more flexible solutions like jet cards, which grant access to a fleet without the commitment of a single aircraft. For those considering this route, this article explains NetJets jet card cost, breaking down how elite travelers can secure seamless flights without the burdens of maintenance and management. Because when life moves at 40,000 feet, the only real concern is choosing which champagne to sip at takeoff.
I think the most absurb part to this is the appearant lack of understanding how wasteful the lifestyle is.
Spending 10k on Dom is escessive but how many of those kids buy it just to take a photo holding the
Bottle in front of the case…
How many actuall appreciate the dom for the taste, hw many people that own rolexes appreciate the craftsman ship
Behind it. Or do they just like showing off. These luxury goods and lavish lifestyle isn’t a terrible thing, but looking at
The photos it becomes clear this is all about you can spend the most and less about enjoying what you have.
Wow.. may be should also have a hastag for rich kids 🙂
Face the hard fact people, not everybody can be a Mother Theresa, so chill back and let these kids do whatever they want. What’s the point of reeking yourself with jealousy? It’s not like as though reality will change. Instead of judging and hating, reflect on life and think of ways to better it.
There is a problem here that can’t be solved – I harken to the Kevin Carter photo of a vulture and a baby girl (just google “kevin carter vulture girl” if you aren’t aware of the image – the problem here is that if Kevin chose to ‘help’ this girl, there are then a hundred behind him, waiting to become that next little girl – then another thousand behind them; another 10000 behind them…and so on and so forth.
Until we act collectively as a species, this will always be happening, every second of every day and as as more wealth is swallowed by the ‘privileged’ few, the worse it will get. Even if these rich-kids gave all their money to ‘third world’ charities, this would still have little impact, other than lining the pockets of corrupt officials waiting for their kids to be the next rich-kids!
A few colleagues of mine (University lecturers) have recently been on trips to Africa; various countries, generally to the South of the Continent and their most abiding memories are that of the happiness of the majority of people; people with next to nothing – a salutary to us with everything!
I have no answers, who does?? Kevin certainly didn’t – he committed suicide not long after he made this image; perhaps as a direct result of the dilemma it caused. If we could ALL feel this empathy with others, then we wouldn’t have this problem; but we are humans and empathy is seemingly a rarity (much as it is in lions, tigers, vultures when stalking their prey – it is instinct and it appears greed is a human instinct, or certainly close to becoming one).
As a vet, seing these spoiled children squander money while 60,000 homeless vets live on the street bothers me , but being that i have wandered around this sad little planet. I know that indifference to injustice and inequality is the noose around there necks, so live it up
The last time inequality was this great in america , was prior to passing the 14th amendment.
lucy parsons 1885
Let every dirty, lousy tramp arm himself with a revolver or knife on the steps of the palace of the rich and stab or shoot their owners as they come out. Let us kill them without mercy, and let it be a war of extermination and without pity.