Been tons of chatter online about the Lytro camera the last few weeks. In case you’ve been living under a rock or too busy to notice, then you’ll be happy to know that the new Lytro camera allows you to select focus AFTER you shoot the photograph. AMAZING technology developed at Stanford by Ren Ng. Just like you can change the white balance after capture when shooting RAW, well now you can put those striking blue eyes of your model in focus later.
Consider that with the technology of a camera like the RED Epic – shooting a 5,000 pixel wide image at 96 frames per second. You can aim that sucker at a scene and shoot 1000 14 megapixel still images in 10 seconds. No more need to catch ‘the decisive moment’!
Combine these two technologies? Whew! Now you’ve really got something.
Unless… your pictures have no focus. If you think that you’re photos are going to be better in the future because you don’t have to pick the moment or focus on your subject, you’re entirely wrong. These technologies are truly amazing, revolutionary and will continue to change the face of photography as we know it.
But mark my words, if you’re goal is to get your work to stand out from the crowd (as good art does), then you’ll need to focus all the more.
Focus on subject.
Focus on content.
Focus on meaning.
Focus on artistic vision…
…because these are all the tools that computers can’t help you with and these are the only ways from here on out that you’re going to be able to make a mark.
Focus on that.
[and don’t hate it, celebrate it, cause it’s all you’ve got.]
Whilst the technology is impressive, and it doesn’t remove many of the challenges in photography, I do photography as a hobby and enjoy the challenges I’ve got – focussing being one of them. The fact it looks like a torch annoys me a little too!
Technology changes, but that doesn’t necessarily means that life get any easear, or less time consuming!
Before the digital era, I used to spend considerably less time on my photographs, just shoot and deliver to a pro-lab for developing!
Even if I was printing my own work, the time spent in the dark room wasn’t anything closer to the time I spend now in front of the computer! We, now, have much more control on the direction we want our work to take, but that came with a price. We had to learn new skills, computers, softwares, new computerized cameras, and more control means more time invested in post-production.
And saying that, what good is a car without a driver who does not know where to go! Technology goes as far as the person who uses it. So, no matter what, you still have to be the Focus behind your gear!