Major props to the overall winners of the prestigious Prix De La Photographie Paris prize: Erwin Olaf for staking claim to the Photographer of the Year title, and also to Annett Reimer for owning up to Best New Talent. I highly encourage popping over to the Px# site for a through the honorable mentions if you have a chance. Plenty to oogle.
And I’ll try not break my arm from patting myself on the back here, but I wanted to say how honored and grateful I am to “the people” for having awarded me 1st Prize in the People’s Choice music category. Winning images were from my Songs For Eating and Drinking series…the selection of submitted pics after the jump. Thank you thank you!
[And if you’re doubting the power of Twitter, I actually found out I’d won in my Twitter stream (following me? @chasejarvis) before hearing from anybody at Px3. Thanks @m_hagedorn!][Above image by Erwin Olaf.]—Word.