A friend of mine always has the same weird thought when visiting Las Vegas, “What would an alien make of this place in a totally abandoned state? Can you imagine the ruins of a slot machine with no context?” It’s these weird thoughts that can lead to your next piece of personal work. Mine usually come at 3am.
An example of some post-apocalyptic creativity is Richard Allenby-Pratt’s series Abandoned (which my friends at Flavorwire brought to my attention) where endangered animals are the only survivors in a barren landscape. No humans anywhere – but solitary peacocks, giraffes, rhinos and gazelles wander the urban ruins. Allenby-Pratt explains on his website, “This project imagines a future without people, where the relics of our unrealised ambitions are populated by some of the species we have, in the present day, come so close to exterminating.” Thought provoking statement and some equally stunning photos. Click through some of the image tabs above to get the flavor .
Go Richard Allenby-Pratt’s site to see more.
Really neat concept!
I love these. Thanks, Chase!
Stunning colours, love the pea-cock.
It makes me think of the movie I Am Legend where they show animals running around in what seems to be a people-less environment
Very impressive, love number 4.