Friends, co-consiprators, co-inspirators, and anyone else who's just dropping in for the first time. I am so very excited. Hopefully you tuned into today's chasejarvisLIVE broadcast where I announced my latest project called Dasein: An Invitation to Hang. In case you missed it, check out the above video and details below. In short, it's important to me that you know enough about the project that you'd be willing to display your work right beside... read more ›
6.8K reads
If you've ever tuned into an episode of chasejarvisLIVE (or even if you've missed them all) tomorrow, Thursday, May 12 would be a great episode NOT to miss. I have a very special announcement I'd like to share with you LIVE from NYC. I'm personally as excited about this as any project I've ever launched. It involves a worldwide creative collaboration of artists and creatives, including YOU. Yes, literally you. Who: You, Me, & a... read more ›
354 reads
I'm a huge fan of the work of a friend of mine, photographer Chris Jordan. His work is both subtle and bold, timely and timeless. Among other things, it beautifully (albeit tragically) explores human consumerism/consumption and the resulting detriments to the planet. From his work, we get a sense of freedom to grieve this predicament, but also a motivation toward change and inspired cause-based activism. The above video is a short chronicle of Chris' midway... read more ›
1.6K reads
You read the title and thought I was talking smack. But in fact, I'm trying to give advice. The history of the world is one of shared spaces, shared food, shared water, shared DNA, shared lives. The history of art is the same. It is a history of an evolution of ideas, of appropriation and application. Therefore, if you're looking for inspiration, look no further than 1. inside you; and then 2. to other art... read more ›
2K reads
No doubt you've seen some images from the earthquake and tsunami like these here from the NY Times/AP. The devastation in Japan is horrific, as is the state of affairs, the deaths, missing people, damaged lives and immeasurable property damage. Unthinkable sadness. The photos too are extremely powerful. In kind, in their quietness, in scale. In short, they are completely surreal. The ability for a photograph... read more ›
1.1K reads
[The debate continues about whether or not iPads are good portfolios for photographers and filmmakers. But those considerations aside, one thing I KNOW is that the iPad is great for is displaying photo & video content in a gallery setting, or on a studio wall in a waiting area. So in pure coincidence with Apple's announcement today that the iPad2 is now available (early), Dartanyon has written up a post about how we made our... read more ›
1.3K reads
This work deserves a more in depth sharing at a later date, but in short I've done some recent work with the(RED) project around new ways to document, cultivate and otherwise further explore the intersection of music with film & photography. Things beyond the music video, honestly. Real integration, raw integration that sprouts up organically or from small, simple roots. The particular work I was doing on the day we shot the above was literally... read more ›
815 reads
I grew up listening to punk and metal. But mostly punk. Dead Kennedys. Sex Pistols. Minor Threat. Suicidal Tendencies. Skate. Surf, etc. I still love this music and I have a ton of respect and appreciation for the DIY ethos--and aesthetic--that this culture created. And not just the music either. I'm drawn to the art, the films, and particularly the... read more ›
1K reads
The same faces and places, just completely re-created 20, 30 or 40 years later. This isn't the first time a photographer has gone back to recreate moments from the past, but this series by Argentinian photographer Irina Werning is just done exceedingly well. Great concept, great execution. The attention to detail is impressive. The images are charismatic, even dynamic in their stillness. Not just with wardrobe and set, but with film stock, blur, image damage,... read more ›
1.6K reads
Everyone on the our team brings an expertise and excellence to the group that is unique. As an example, Scott's Photoshop chops are stellar, Kate is an uber-producer, Erik is the bees knees with digital cinema, and the list goes on... One of Dartanyon's strong suits is digital printing. He's been around digital output from the near beginning of color desktop printing.... read more ›
13K reads