Q: (via email) Chase. I'm basically in love with Profoto lighting. But I'm a kid that has bad credit and photo is my life. Any suggestions on how I could get some Profoto lighting?A: Yep. Rent it. Seriously. This goes for almost all killer, pro gear. And here's the thought of the day: Most rental houses are closed on Sunday. Also true is that you can normally pick up stuff at your local shop at... read more ›
223 reads
Well-executed, creative attempts to get hired by a photographer as an assistant, producer, re-toucher, etc, are few and far between. That said, I was inspired by the following letter I recently received (posted with permission):Obviously you folks are stacked with talented, energetic folks over there at CJ inc.But that's not going to stop me from trying to get my foot in the door over there. I recently left my post as studio manager, assistant, photographer,... read more ›
1.3K reads
Ever wanted to shoot with a strobe at a faster shutter speed that your camera's flash sync allows for? (Only like EVERY darn day, probably...since a 1/250 is sooo wimpy...). Well, I've been using this cool technique for quite some time, but it never occurred to me to share it as a neat-o "hack" to beat the system. My pal over at Strobist however, who is much sharper than I at identifying cool tips like... read more ›
1.5K reads
If you haven't visited Strobist yet, you must go there now. It's one of my favorite photo-geek (in the cool sense) blogs on the web - intelligence mixed with insight, humor, and wit, all wrapped into off-camera lighting on the cheap and easy. Word on the street is that he very graciously compared our cool, portable Photography Laptop Case to something out of Q's workshop in a James Bond flick. Well Strobist, if we're Bond... read more ›
260 reads
I just returned from a location shoot in the Cascade Mountains, east of Seattle today. The weather had us guessing at several points during the day, but for the most part it went according to plan. Plan? That's right, as someone who is often hired to shoot outdoors, I've been forced to become quite the weatherman, doing my best to anticipate and plan for Mother Nature's ways. She always plays hard to get, but it... read more ›
208 reads
More than a few aspiring photographers and hobbyist shooters that caught my earlier (very hardcore) post outlining back-up strategies for professional photography, videography, or design studios, have asked me to advise on a more basic solution for backing up their images. Since there are numerous ways to accomplish the goal of backing up your work, I think it's best if I focus the discussion to the THEORY of backing up, and let each individual adapt... read more ›
1.3K reads
Since I've just read a whole pile of news about the blizzard in Denver, it occured to me that I often field questions about shooting in a snowy environment. I usually don't give straight up photo tips on this blog, however, 'tis the season and this might make somebody's holiday snaps a little better. Therefore, a quick tip: how to get that snow so nice and white, instead of that nasty-ass grey.Simple answer: Over-expose the... read more ›
290 reads