Here is a list of 10 things I've learned the hard way that every photographer, designer, creative--hell, every creative person--should know. 1. Experts aren’t the answer. The blogs, the teachers, the mentors, the seminars aren’t the answer. They’re not there to tell you exactly what you need to know. If they’re good, then they are there to give you some ideas, some guidelines, or some rules to learn and subsequently break. This isn’t about the... read more ›
84.8K reads
As always, my conversations with Ryan inspire all kinds of deeper thoughts to ponder. And it’s often in my reflections after we’ve talked that the concepts we spoke of really hit home in areas of my own life. Sometimes the process of a creative can be very inward and isolating; however, it is in conversation with others that we often gain new insight into our own areas of mystery. Self-Consciousness is the Enemy of... read more ›
987 reads
Got a note the other day from an aspiring photographer. He wanted to know what it takes to become a pro. I thought--very pragmatically--that it's really not complicated. HARD maybe, but complicated, no. And this applies to so many FILL-IN-THE-BLANK things you aspire to be: 1. Declare yourself as that thing. That's what you ARE in life. You're not a student, not a finance-guy-slash-part-time-photographer, not a part time anything. You're a photographer, or entrepreneur, or... read more ›
21K reads
This is the age old question ... How do you get hired to do work that you've never been paid to do before because you need experience. But to get that experience, you need to do the work. Here are a three ways to overcome this chicken & egg situation: Listen to the Podcast Get Involved The fastest way to learn is to get involved in the community. It can lead to new partnerships, new opportunities, and... read more ›
7.4K reads
If you’ve been following me for any length of time, then you most likely know my M.O. by now: put your work out there early and often. Steve Martin famously said, “Be so good they can’t ignore you.” But the other side of that is to have so much work out there that people can't swing a stick without hitting something you've made/written/built/produced/directed/etc. I talked about this with fellow sharing advocate, #cjLIVE alum, and all-around... read more ›
798 reads
Fact: creativity is a team sport. Yes, the actual act of making the work is sometimes a solo activity (drawing, writing, editing a film, etc) but the real driving force behind every creative pro is their community: their clients, collaborators, peers and the rest of the humans in the complex web of symbiotic relationships that give us inspiration, support and (ultimately) an income. Creativity cannot live in a vacuum. We depend on each other, like... read more ›
3.1K reads
What I've learned over the years is that the truly remarkable people are not just masters of their craft, but a combination of craft + many other things that elevate their work. In fact, the best photographers I know, the best creatives, teachers, accountants, or --insert profession here--, are also entrepreneurs/intra-preneurs, authors, speakers, marketers, and more. We're ALL hyphens. Just as I started as a photographer, then learned skills to become a director, then a... read more ›
3.3K reads
The person you talk to the most in your life, is you. Yet what we often say to ourselves isn't always kind, true or helpful. Enter today's guest: Lori Gottlieb. Lori is a psychotherapist and author of the New York Times bestseller 'Maybe You Should Talk to Someone'. In our fast-paced world of independence and individualism, we often minimize the importance of our interdependence to each other. In this episode, we take a deep dive... read more ›
1.2K reads
Listen to the Podcast Congrats! You did it - you're graduating! Big ups on all the hard work and long hours. But here's the scary part. Graduation is the first day of the rest of your life. Last week by far the most popular question I saw in my social feed was around graduation. Either YOU were graduating, your friends or sons / daughters--and, naturally, there was a lot of concern. Generally you asked what... read more ›
6.6K reads
A short while ago I had the great pleasure of taking the stage at the Seattle Interactive Conference with my dear friend and creative superstar Cal Mcallister (Founder, Wexley School for Girls + Paper Crane Factory) for a very pointed conversation on inspiration, unlocking your best creative work, and how the eff to stand out in today’s noisy, crowded market. Hint: it’s not what you think. IMHO this conversation oozes with value specifically because both... read more ›
1.6K reads