While positioning on the the earlier OW bill was quite divided (earlier post + comments), looks like the Senate version of the Orphan Works bill gets huge thumbs down from all photography groups, as far as I can tell. I encourage you to take 5 minutes and follow instructions from the ASMP and APA on how to be heard. Sample letters and instructions after the jump - click the 'continue reading' link below: The ASMP... read more ›
160 reads
When I think of creative inspiration, many people come to mind. People and their journeys and their struggles and their victories. Just so happens that one such person is my Mom. As of today she's been cancer-free for 10 years. Way to go Mom - I'm so inspired and sooooo thankful.Can't wait to pop some Champagne when I get back in town!.
124 reads
This Orphan Works drama has been a thorn in our sides for quite some time. By all accounts, there is a need for some legislation that addresses the situation that arises when the owner of a copyright protected work cannot be identified and located. It's just that everything I've seen, read, and otherwise researched on the topic--from the perspective of photographers--has found all such previously proposed legislation unsatisfactory. Well hold your horses. A new bill... read more ›
189 reads
In my popular post from two days ago I committed to begin sharing the things that inspire me creatively, as well as the things that challenge me. After I hit publish, I had a pang of trepidation, a gut check: "What the hell am I doing? Now I've really put myself in harm's way. I've either got to pretend I know what the hell I'm talking about or struggle thru this ongoing series and say... read more ›
160 reads
More and more "how to" photography blogs are coming online everyday. And hallelujah for that. Seriously. Technical education in photography is more accessible today than ever before. New shooters are being born from nearly nothing overnight (a Flickr account and a $400 camera anyone?). Growth and development is accelerated by new technology, watching videos, reading the insights of art buyers and photo editors, and on and on. Hell, even education in the business-of-photography is infinitely... read more ›
86 reads
In a continuation of my recent themes of artistic vision and photo industry changes , this month's Wired (and column over at Wired.com), editor Chris Anderson is ranting about the topic of his new book: FREE.The entire article is well worth the read, but there's one thing in particular worth noting if you're a photographer or a musician, and that's his little diddy about "Zero Marginal Cost". That is, the cost of digital things that... read more ›
265 reads
I’ve been running around like a chicken with my head cut off for the past two weeks. In a good way. More energized artistically than I can remember in years. Brain is jumping, one concept to the next. Taking snapshots like mad. Lots of notes, scribbling. Shooting. Torn up magazines all over my desk, filling my briefcase. Compact flash cards everywhere. My computer desktop looks more like a minefield than a lean, binary machine. It... read more ›
165 reads
I'm obviously an advocate for artists' copyright and I believe strongly that it's king in the world of photography. I have for years, however, been cognizant of impending pressures on the perception of copyright and how it affects me and my photographer, artist, musician, designer, writer, and filmmaker friends. Like so many of us interested in the new media, I'm ecstatic about the opportunities abound and interested in sharing the content I create, but simultaneously... read more ›
327 reads
Kevin Kelly has a remarkable post over at The Technium about the free flow of information online and how certain values must be cultivated in order to succeed in the New Economy. I think it very much applies to all creatives, and most certainly is of particular interest to photographers. Kevin says: 1. The internet is a giant copy machine, spreading your work to every corner of the globe;2. When copies are super abundant, they... read more ›
238 reads
If you've watched any videos on this blog, you should watch this one. Whether you're observing the holiday from home or the office, I recommend that you turn up your speakers a few clicks, gather some family members, friends or colleagues together and watch this 17 minute video.RSS readers can catch the video here.
190 reads