"Sliders and dollies help you tell your story with beautiful camera moves." So sayeth filmmaker Zeke Kamm of Nice Industries. Hard to argue with that statement. Well-placed, well-executed dolly shots increase production value, no question there. They can also increase production time and total gear load, as traditional sliders are bulky and a bitch to set up. That's where Kamm's Rocket Travel Slider comes in. Capable of delivering up to 10 foot long, smooth dolly... read more ›
419 reads
GE's Focus Forward films are 3-minute documentaries featuring some the world's most exceptional and innovative people presenting their ideas and inventions. Each year the project awards $200,000 to winners of the Filmmaker Competition, many of which have their 3-minute films premiered at Sundance. You're gonna wanna take a few minutes and enjoy one or two of these. As an example -- in the Grand Prize winning film -- Neil Harbisson, who was born with achromatopsia... read more ›
249 reads
http://youtu.be/54yahfgbqQE Documentary makes the impermanent permanent. It's a satisfactory compromise for street artist Jason Shelowitz (AKA Jay Shells), whose 'Rap Quotes' project has the longevity of a fruit fly or a sand castle at low tide. Inspired by many rappers' tendency to work the streets, blocks and parks of their upbringing into their lyrics, Shells decided to turn those shout-outs into official-looking street signs and hang them up at those specific street corners and locations.... read more ›
1.4K reads
Last week we checked out the Supraflux Video Camera Stabilizer, a small stabilizer that has been lighting up kick-starter, already making over double their goal with almost a month left. Today we've got the other side of the spectrum with the MoVi from my very good friends Tabb and Hugh at Firefly Systems. I've used these guy for several years now as go-to help for aerial RC choppers and other fun toys... but in the... read more ›
4K reads
Superfun piece here. Reverse motion isn't a new technique by any stretch, but it doesn't need to be. Messe Kopp had a cool idea and executed it - turned out fun and cool. And above all, he went and CREATED something, versus sitting around talking about it. Great example of being creative on a low budget. #respect Check out more of Messe Kopp's stuff here: Facebook You tube The track is called "White Lies" by... read more ›
1.1K reads
UPDATE: here's a recording of our chat...above! Thanks to all of you who watched live. __ LIVE today at 9:30 PDT, 10:30 Aspen, 12:30 NYT, 17:30 London right here on the blog or on my YouTube channel http://www.youtube.com/chasejarvis. I'm smack dab in the middle of shooting next year's campaign for Aspen (last years BTS video here with octocopers and wicked visuals) but had the morning off and managed to wrangle a couple friends for a... read more ›
189 reads
Remember last year's Aspen campaign? Well, we're back at it again this year with even better conditions. We've been up before dawn and burning the midnight oil. Out the door right now - but stay tuned via social channels to follow along. In the meantime here's a gallery of behind-the-scenes photos. Enjoy. [caption id="attachment_20293" align="alignnone"... read more ›
674 reads
Nemo Timelapse from jere7my tho?rpe on Vimeo. Pounded with as much as three feet of snow on Friday and Saturday, the Northeast, and especially New England, USA was basically buried by the storm called NEMO. The region's residents are still digging out, navigating roads lined by tall walls of snow, dealing with school closures and power outages. But for photographers - these storms bring rare opportunity. The internet has been alive with Nemo shots for... read more ›
336 reads
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N27MnyRXGqY&feature=youtu.be If you're a regular reader you know that I'm a big Lumineers fan. They’ve been on my radar for a while and are one of my favorites right now. My friend John Richards from Seattle's KEXP first brought The Lumineers to my attention. John, along with their manager Dave, gave me the head's up that these guys had the special sauce. So we had them on chasejarvisLIVE back in April 2012. It was a... read more ›
426 reads
What does a stream of non-stop 24/7 creative education look like? In case you've been on vacation, it looks like what http://www.creativeLIVE.com/live has looked like for the past two weeks...and will continue to look for the remaining few days of 2012. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for the rest of the year, you can join a community of more than 1 million people strong and check out the most popular segments of... read more ›
234 reads