Picture Monica Lewinsky w a cigar, Hitler in a bunker, the Beatles w their lawyers. It's all here. Or rather it's all in your mind... So what does a book look like that is targeted at visual artists and creatives, yet has exactly ZERO pictures and isn't a how-to? Well, it looks like well-known photo agent Frank Meo's latest personal project called Mind Prints. A hardback book laden w typography. From the intro:We all collect... read more ›
1.6K reads
More often than not, the underlying vision behind a great piece of art - a photo, a film, a painting, a play, a whatever - comes from a single source. Dostoevsky hatched the vision for The Brothers Karamozov, Andreas Gursky for his huge surreal images, Warhol for his Brillo boxes. But in almost every case, making art, sharing it, selling it, giving it wings, and cultivating it's adoption throughout popular culture requires that the creative... read more ›
463 reads