“If you go deeper into yourself, you’ll find below the surface four or five things, other emotions, other things going on at the same time. Perhaps things from your childhood, things that are unconscious. You’re not even aware of what’s truly motivating your behavior. You’re kind of sleepwalking. You think that you do things for reason A, but actually, there’s B, C, D, E, and F below the surface. So you’re a mystery to yourself.”... read more ›
2.1K reads
How do you turn inaction into action? You’ve got great ideas, supportive people around you and the resources to move forward, but somehow you’re still at square one. Maybe you’re unwilling to embrace the inherent uncertainty of walking the path less traveled, or maybe you need a mindset shift to start building momentum. Whatever your situation, my guest today, Mel Robbins, is here to share hardcore, actionable advice, including her world-famous “5 second rule (watch... read more ›
1.5K reads
If you have ever felt less than whole, if you ever felt like you weren't being true to yourself, like there was a dissonance in what the world was saying and what you were feeling in your heart and your soul, this episode is for you. My guest today is Martha Beck, PhD. Martha is a Harvard-trained sociologist, world-renowned coach and New York Times bestselling author. She has published nine non-fiction books, one novel, and... read more ›
2.1K reads
As you probably know, I’m a huge believer that so much of ‘THE GAME’ is mental. Stress, fear, anxiety, and our natural negativity bias is always ready beat us down. One of the most powerful tools in my toolbox to harness positivity in a seemingly tough situation is a daily gratitude practice. As we head into Thanksgiving here in the states, in the middle of a pandemic and everything else, I wanted to dig into... read more ›
725 reads
When you feel like you're running in place, not making progress, feeling overwhelmed becomes the norm. Often we gloss over smaller accomplishments, focusing on grand milestones out in the distance. We are biologically wired to focus on the negative, but that doesn't mean you can't take control and flip the script. By celebrating small wins we begin to rewire our brains to recognize the progress we are making. In this episode, I share my experience... read more ›
543 reads
One of the most essential functions for health and wellbeing of a human is just breathing. Breathing air. In and out. In fact, we do this 25,000 times a day. Yet, as today's guest James Nestor will share, a wide majority of us have lost the ability to breathe correctly wreaking havoc on our health. But all is not lost. Modern science agrees, that even the smallest adjustments in the way we inhale and exhale... read more ›
1.2K reads
Ever feel stressed? It's a question that is almost absurd. So much of our human experience involves stress and anxiety these days. It is further compounded by the fact that our brain is wired to respond to it. Adrenaline. Cortisol. Fight or flight... If a bear is chasing us, helpful. If you're reading the news? Not so much. Enter Dr. Cynthia Ackrill. She's a physician, a stress expert, and leadership coach and she is on... read more ›
608 reads
Today on the show, I'm chatting with New York Times bestselling author Mark Manson. He is the #1 New York Times Bestselling author of Everything is F*cked and The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck, the mega-bestseller that reached #1 in fourteen different countries. Mark also runs one of the largest personal growth websites in the world, MarkManson.net, a blog with more than two million monthly readers and half a million subscribers, making him one... read more ›
801 reads
Being uncomfortable isn't usually fun. In fact, we're probably more likely to try to avoid uncomfortable situations than actually run toward them. Yet, it is a valuable skill. Not only in dealing with adversity but giving us confidence and trust in ourselves to recover quickly from failure, manage our fears, and explore the unknown. In today's episode, we dive a big deeper into this topic and I share a few ways we can all practice... read more ›
445 reads
Chris Guillebeau has traveled to 193 countries. And just to be clear, that is all of the countries recognized on the planet. He is the first person to do it before the age of 35. More importantly, he has built online businesses, side hustles, and mastered the art of a non-conforming lifestyle since he was 19 years old. There's almost nobody better person equipped to talk about starting lots of businesses. He has a daily... read more ›
1K reads