My guest today is Robert Brunner. If you look up “badass industrial designer” in the dictionary, the first thing you’re going to see is his picture. He’s the co-founder + partner of Ammunition Design Group, one of the top industrial design agencies in the world with clients including Lyft, Adobe, Microsoft, AIGA, and so many more. He lead the design of the widely popular Beats brand and built the design practice at Apple - he’s... read more ›
2.8K reads
Heyooo! TODAY I'm so so happy and excited to announce something that’s been a long time in the making... the launch of the nexst step CreativeLive’s learning platform. Our global desktop experience has always been the most engaging education experience online, and today I'm proud to share that we’re extending that learning ecosystem to an iPhone, iPad and Apple TV app. You've always been able to lear 24/7 365 at CL...and now you can learn... read more ›
2.7K reads
Turn back your mental clock to April of 2012, when Facebook acquired Instagram for the eye-popping price of $1 billion. It was a big story, with headlines all over not just the tech press but mainstream outlets like CNN, Newsweek and the nightly news-- who could have imagined a company with barely over a dozen employees commanding a 10-figure valuation?! Like most of you, I watched the story unfold like some kind of tech fairy... read more ›
36.1K reads
A few months ago I was fortunate enough to be part of an expedition to bring greater awareness to the scarcity of fresh drinking water experienced by many countries around the world. Called Summit on the Summit, the expedition was a 60 mile hike up Kilimanjaro and included some artists, educators and guides who shared my interest in this awareness project, including Mark Foster, Justin Chatwin and Beau Garrett. I put together this... read more ›
2.4K reads
Yesterday Apple abruptly removed the mega-popular 500px from the iTunes App store today citing the fact that users can search for photos that feature nudity. I caught up with 500px CEO and co-founder Oleg Gutsol for a comment: "Apple's problem with the app is essentially that it was too easy to find nude photos by using the search function of the app. That functionality has been there since the beginning of our development of the... read more ›
3.5K reads
If the best camera is the one that's with us, the camera phone wins for me (iPhone in particular, but I'm excited for all models). But let's take a departure for a second, because just minutes ago Phil Schiller announced the new iPad mini. // 7.9 inch diagonal screen // A5 dual core chip // Facetime HD // 5MP iSight Camera // LTE wireless... read more ›
3K reads
The iPhone application Foap says $10. Actually...$5 after they take their cut. Here's the rundown... Foap is a micro stock photography app made exclusively for iPhone photography. You upload your photos for review using their app, and then when/if they're approved they become available for purchase in their market for editorial or commercial use by third party companies. There's no end to the number of times a single photo can be sold (at the fixed... read more ›
11.8K reads
I’ve said it before, but it would be remiss not to mention it again: Back up your data. Sad reminder of this again when I saw a recent story on PetaPixel about a guy who is taking Apple to court over lost baby photos, saying the failure of a storage device caused him to lose priceless memories. Perminder Tung used an Apple Time Capsule... read more ›
3.2K reads
Facebook dropped a photo app today that will definitely turn a few heads. The app is chock-full of the features iPhone photographers want: You can crop, rotate and add filters to any picture in your camera roll in app. If your Facebook use is all about photos this app could replace the regular Facebook app. It offers a “news feed” that exclusively shows pictures as its home page. Screen shots below. What do you guys... read more ›
776 reads
Here's another 60 Second Portrait, starring Guy Kawasaki this time. I shot this after our recent episode of chasejarvisLIVE. If you dig it, check out the rest of my 60 Second Portraits here. ----------
5.2K reads