Contracts can be a nightmare. I've never loved contracts even for a hot second, but fortunately I've surrounded myself with an awesome Executive Producer who really likes them -- Kate (she's also my wife), and a great lawyer or two. We know what a pain point this can be for creatives everywhere, so we sat down and pulled together a series of 15 tips aimed to help you navigate these messy waters. We know legal... read more ›
996 reads
UPDATE:the LIVE broadcast is TODAY. Check out the post below and be sure to tune into today — 12pm SEA time (3pm NYC & 20:00 London) — and enjoy the show. See you on air in a few… ______ In this new age of media, have you ever wondered how to share and promote your photos and videos using social sharing tools, but maintain... read more ›
2K reads
In a followup to yesterdays post Stolen Photograph: A New Look at an Old Problem, which saw a lot of traffic and great discussion, I thought it would be prudent to share a poignant panel discussion I was recently a part of in NYC that addresses this topic head-on. It's a dichotomy we all likely are dealing with... Simply put, most of us creatives want it both ways. We want a system that maintains our... read more ›
479 reads
I want my work to be protected and used only when I want and how I want. But I also want it to be consumable in the new media. Confused like the rest of us? If you make art for a living or are interested in the rapidly evolving rights for people who create stuff--and especially if you live in/around NYC--then point yourself at this FREE day-long symposium brought to you by the fine folks... read more ›
411 reads