Adam Gazzaley is a neuroscientist, speaker, entrepreneur, photographer, author… He’s a hyphen through and through. But what he’s obsessed with these days is using technology to retrain and improve the use of our human brains, using it even to treat ADHD and other mental conditions. Now more than ever before the world is moving at a pace faster than our 2 million year old brains can catch up. Adam says that as a species our... read more ›
5.5K reads
If you’re familiar with Jason then you know he’s an incredibly unique human. And if you’re not, then I'll do my best-- but you really just need to check out his work. He’s a brilliant and insanely insightful creator whose work sits at the intersection of philosophy, personal development and film much like my own work. You may know him as the host of Nat Geo’s “Brain Games,” from his short film series “Shots Of... read more ›
6K reads