We often think of creativity and meditation as separate practices - one active and expressive, the other quiet and introspective. But what if these two seemingly different pursuits are actually deeply interconnected, each enhancing and amplifying the other? This fascinating relationship between creativity and meditation was at the heart of my recent conversation with Henry Shukman, an award-winning poet, author, and Zen master. Henry's unique background bridges the worlds of artistic expression and contemplative practice,... read more ›
129 reads
Modern times come with many perks; it's hard to imagine a life without the conveniences of wireless connectivity, ready-made meals and corporate jobs that reliably deliver biweekly paychecks. Yet at the same time, this system of continuity also works against our wellbeing. Now more than ever, people struggle with overwhelming stress and anxiety, depression, burnout, and even chronic physical pain as a result of their day-to-day realities. It's a problem that has worsened significantly over... read more ›
760 reads
Max Lugavere is a health and science journalist focused on nutrition, fitness, and wellness. Max’s journey to understanding the power food has on brain function began when was helping his mother, who developed Lewy body dementia. He noticed the doctors doing nothing except trying to manage the symptoms- rather than actually curing the disease. He started learning and applying what we are now learning about the science of food and cooking and kicked off a... read more ›
2.2K reads