You recall that fancy 1000 frames per second cinema camera called the Phantom that I love so much (that was the feature camera from this project)? Well they've got a new one out...the Phantom Flex and it shoots 1250 fps now at full 1080 HD. Well the New York Times Magazine (that's right, editorial....) is shooting motion these days. Renowned Director of Photography there, Kathy Ryan, hired photographer Dewey Nicks to shoot some tennis stars.... read more ›
848 reads
Photography has so many facets. The one I know the least about--while ironically probably employing the most photographers worldwide--is wedding photography. It seems the whole photography industry is wild about this genre and its complete re-invention over the course of the last decade. So many people want to know more and--honestly--I need to get up to speed. That’s why I’m happy to host wedding photographer phenom Jasmine Star TOMORROW on chasejarvisLIVE. In just 4 years... read more ›
680 reads
[We have received hundreds of questions asking how this shot was post produced, so we thought it would be fun--and a good use of this blog as a central conversation point--to do a post about it. A play by play. So let's join our retouch guru Scott as he walks us through this popular shot of mine from the desert in Dubai....take it away, Scotty...] It’s fair to say that a number of Chase’s images... read more ›
7.6K reads
"The reality is that it's easier to be inspired than it is to create an original idea and we are hardwired to take the path of least resistance. It's easier to jump onto a design inspiration gallery site than it is to sit down with a blank sheet of paper and a pencil. It's easier to follow a pattern than it is to test-drive new options. It's easier to copy a style or idea that... read more ›
1.9K reads
Polaroid has still got it after all these years. As proof, and for some Friday fun, check out this 1970's retro how-to video/advert/documentary. Still cool and amazingly poignant. Polaroid - the original social network. Snap a picture, show your friends = Create. Share Sustain. Note the range, accessibility and the diversity. Pretty impressive. Reminder to check out the Impossible Project, plus one of my recent Polaroid snapshots after the jump.Continue reading
1.3K reads
At its root, this blog is about photographs. So here's one I snagged last night with my iPhone at sunset from the always-epic Telluride, Colorado. Anybody spot the gorilla face in the picture? [btw, As I mention the gorilla face... Photo gear is good, but vision is better. TODAY starting at 11am Seattle time--and throughout the weekend--a must see. Join us LIVE for FREE over at as we bring you a masters-series weekend with... read more ›
700 reads
Thought you'd get a kick out of this video that takes the latest Speedo advertising campaign from ideation to creation. I wish it went a whole bunch deeper (pun), but it's certainly enough to get my attention. Hope you dig. The underwater studio at Pinewood (0:42) is really dope. (I'm jealous...wish I'd have hired that pool for this work I did a while back...) Also--since the vid doesn't give any real love to... read more ›
1.9K reads
Indeed, today is my birthday! I'm celebrating with family and friends up at our cabin on the coast (snapshot here of yours truly at our fire on the beach last night), but there is something else that's on my mind today. Giving back. And I've decided that in this coming year of my life, one of my goals is to give more time, money, and effort toward philanthropy and charity. This will take many manifestations... read more ›
470 reads
Guess who’s on deck for the next 2 series of creativeLIVE weekend workshops? Two stellar folks: David DuChemin - Vision Driven Photography David’s recent series of books (Within the Frame and Vision Mongers) have carved a niche in photographic education that--prior to now--rarely got discussed. That niche is VISION. The internet has given photographers so many tools to work with gear and specs and digits and all that crap, but there’s been a distinct absence... read more ›
1.3K reads
Client: “How come all the photos I took have the heads cut off?” You: “Hmm, Did you look though the view finder when you took them?” Client: “I don’t know what that is. Can’t you just move the picture up so I can see their heads? I mean they’re digital pictures?” -- Clients come in all shapes, sizes and levels of experience in every line of work. Embedded this here due to its relevance. If... read more ›
540 reads