If you’ve been following me for any length of time, then you most likely know my M.O. by now: put your work out there early and often. Steve Martin famously said, “Be so good they can’t ignore you.” But the other side of that is to have so much work out there that people can't swing a stick without hitting something you've made/written/built/produced/directed/etc. I talked about this with fellow sharing advocate, #cjLIVE alum, and all-around... read more ›
798 reads
Let's face it... it's a complete myth that your work will just "be discovered" and that your personal brand just "happens." These are topics that simply cannot be reduced to sound bites and can't be left to happenstance. In case you missed last week's LIVE broadcast of chasejarvisLIVE, we brought on brand luminary Marc Ecko and spent a full 90 minutes uncovering the core principles of Marc's 20-year-long rocket ship of a career... read more ›
1K reads
UPDATE: The LIVE broadcast is TODAY October 9 – 11am SEA time (2pm NYC -19:00 London) – mark your schedules and flip your dial to http://www.chasejarvis.com/live. My guest -- the legendary Marc Ecko -- will give you the most important tool kit that an artist can know outside one's craft ---> how to sell yourself without selling out. Let's face it... it's a complete myth that your work will just "be discovered" and that your... read more ›
787 reads