Are the fees or prices you're charging for your creative services too low? I bet they are. Try doubling the money. You have to deliver the goods, of course, but that's true in any work. Chances are that the clients you ditched needed ditching, the clients you carry forward and the new clients you land will pay those fees happily and will better understand the value you bring. And I'm guessing you'll be happier and... read more ›
1.4K reads
If you weren't one of the 25,000+ people who watched this show on the day it was broadcast or if you couldn't take notes fast enough and need to see it again, we rallied and pulled together a YouTube re-watch for you & your comrades... I was lucky enough to host business guru and #1 Amazon and New York Times Best-Selling author Ramit Sethi for a hard-hitting, no BS chasejarvis LIVE focused on... read more ›
6.2K reads
UPDATE: if you're reading this post now...The no BS Business Edition of #cjLIVE with #1 Amazon & New York Times best-seller Ramit Sethi is TODAY 11:00 Seattle Time, 2pm NYC, 19:00 London! Learn to negotiate fees and show value to your clients from one of the world's best... _______ No one has single-handedly given me better insight about the business side of art/photography than has Ramit Sethi. [Go ahead and read that again.] In a... read more ›
1.5K reads